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The haunting memory of their intimate encounter lingered in her mind, a constant source of internal conflict. Her heart chastised her hormones for succumbing to his touch, while simultaneously pleading for a much-needed release. It had been six long years since she had engaged in any sexual activity, the last person who had truly touched her in such a way was none other than her ex-husband-a choice she hadn't truly had at the time.

In the absence of physical intimacy, she had sought solace in various gadgets, relying on them to fulfill her carnal desires. Trust had become a scarce commodity, and the thought of engaging with a man in a sexual manner sent shivers down her spine. The consequences of that fateful night had thrust her into an unacceptable dilemma, and yet she had allowed the touch of such a dangerous man to grace her body with an open mind. She knew deep down that she had crossed a line from which there was no return.

Yes, she had shared kisses with men here and there, but they had always been fleeting, devoid of the passion of true lovers. Her work had required her to seduce and manipulate, to touch others sensually, but she had never allowed herself to cross her own personal boundaries with physical contact. The events of the previous night weighed heavily on her conscience, as she knew that what she had done had been necessary for the impending job.


The echoing thud of her boots resonated through the hushed hallway as she made her way toward a particular room. Coming to a stop, she gently rapped her knuckles against the wooden door, seeking permission to enter. A deep, masculine voice granted her access, and she eased the door open with practiced stealth, careful not to make a sound.

He sat upon a high barstool, engrossed in his work. Before him lay a rectangular canvas board, upon which he meticulously applied paint, skillfully creating the shadow of an animal. Without turning around, he was already aware of her presence. Dalia D'Amico Cassano-the unmistakable fragrance of her perfume had given her away.

"Why are you here?" His hand continued to work diligently, bringing life to the shadow on the canvas. He did not need to face her to know who stood behind him.

"I'm sorry," her voice was gentle, filled with remorse.

"Shouldn't your brothers be keeping a closer eye on you now?" His words were laced with a narrow edge, but he finally set aside his tools and rose to face her. "Tell me," he demanded, his gaze piercing into hers.

"And aren't you going to forgive me?" She matched his gaze, her grey eyes meeting his deep green ones.

Oh, my love. It is not solely your fault, but mine as well. If we continue down this path, I will destroy everything we have. I cannot bear your hatred towards me, and yet I cannot bear the thought of losing you forever.

"We don't belong-" he began to speak, but before he could finish the sentence, she silenced him by sealing her lips with his, pulling him closer by his collar. Her fingers entwined in his soft hair as they kissed, momentarily shocking him. However, he swiftly reciprocated, pulling her closer by the waist and surrendering to the raw desire that consumed them both. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, his hand finding the curve of her neck, angling her head for deeper exploration. With a tilt of his head, his tongue gently invaded her mouth, a welcomed guest exploring the depths of her being. Tongues danced and intertwined, savoring the taste of one another, as he nibbled on her lower lip, eliciting a soft moan from her.

This kiss was not merely an expression of desire; it spoke volumes of their connection, their profound love for one another. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them and the raw, untamed emotions they shared.

As they finally parted, breathless and intoxicated by their union, he loosened his grip on her, their mingled saliva lingering on their lips. Opening his eyes, he gazed upon her beautiful face, an array of emotions swimming within his green orbs.

"If I give this relationship a chance, I may hurt you in the future," he confessed, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Shaking her head, she opened her eyes and responded with conviction, "You won't. I know you."

A weak smile formed on his lips, his eyes conveying an emotion she couldn't quite decipher. "No, you don't. I'm giving you the chance to live a peaceful life-"

"My peace is you, Warren. Don't push me away. I can't live without you now. You're here," she interrupted, her index finger resting against her heart.

And in that moment, his heart skipped a fortuitous beat. Something stirred within him, and he spoke softly, "I'll return to you after I finish my task. On that day, it will be your choice to decide what you want and need in your life." With that, he abruptly turned and left the room without looking back even once. A mournful howl of anguish escaped her lips.

Wait for me, my love. In five months' time, I will come back to you, my darling. But for now, I cannot give you false hope. You occupy my thoughts and my heart, providing solace in the chaos of my life. I promise to never give you anything less than what you deserve.

Author's note......

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Tbh I never thought I would write a story like this.

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