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Celia lay nestled beneath the warm embrace of her duvet, her legs hidden from the world. But even in the stillness of exhaustion and sleep, she couldn't escape the sensation that caressed her feet. It was soft, delicate, and tinglish-a touch that elicited a ticklish joy. Tiny little hands danced across her skin, their playful movements accompanied by the sweet sound of soft giggles that gently echoed in her ears.

Startled from her slumber, Celia's eyes fluttered open. She sat up, disoriented, she spotted a mischievous smile adorning the face of a little boy standing at the edge of her bed.

"Are you not becoming too naughty, love?" Celia questioned, her voice still laced with sleep.

Inizio shook his head vigorously, denying any wrongdoing. Celia couldn't resist his innocent charm and pulled him close, embracing him tightly. She settled back down, her arms wrapped protectively around her little boy.

Inizio's fingers traced the contours of Celia's cheek with tender affection, his touch filled with adoration. "Mama, get ready fast. Daddy's waiting for you," he whispered, urgency tingling in his voice.

Celia frowned, her drowsiness lingering. "He can wait, baby," she murmured, her eyelids growing heavy with the remnants of sleep.

Undeterred, Inizio sat up, folding his hands across his chest, and spoke in a resolute voice, loud and clear. "No, you can't keep him waiting. He has a surprise for you. Now get ready fast."

The word "surprise" sparked curiosity within Celia, her sleep dissipating entirely. Rising from the bed, she sat upright for the awaiting suprise.

Inizio interlaced their hands, tugging gently to guide his mother towards the closet room. As they entered, Celia's gaze was immediately drawn to a vibrant red maxi dress gracefully suspended beside a full-length mirror. It swayed delicately in the cool breeze that seeped through the slightly open window. Adjacent to the dress lay a card adorned with intricate designs, an assortment of jewelry, and a single red rose.

Celia's steps led her closer to the alluring attire. Her fingers danced along the silky fabric, reveling in its softness. The dress, with its slender spaghetti straps and ankle-length hem, exuded an air of elegance. A daring slit on the right side revealed a glimpse of thigh, lending a touch of allure to the ensemble.

Her gaze shifted, and she lifted the card delicately, tracing her fingertips along its elegant calligraphy. The message within stirred excitement.

I'm waiting for you. Bless this man with your presence, mi Cara.

Your gorgeous.

A smile curled upon Celia's lips as she absorbed the invitation's words. Her heart swelled with joy. She plucked the rose from its resting place, inhaling its intoxicating fresh fragrance, careful to avoid the prick of its thorns.

Celia turned to Inizio, her eyes searching for answers. "Is there someone else here?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

Inizio nodded enthusiastically, confirming her suspicions. "Aunt Alessia and some other men," he answered.

A puzzled expression clouded Celia's face. "Where are they all?" she wondered aloud.

Inizio simply shrugged, "I'm waiting outside. You go get ready, Mama," he declared.

Celia leaned in, pressing a loving kiss upon Inizio's cheeks before heading toward the bathroom to get ready.

Celia stepped out, radiating freshness and a sense of readiness. Her natural touch of makeup highlighted her features, while her hair flowed down in soft curls, framing her face with elegance. The golden bracelet adorning her right wrist added a touch of sophistication to her overall look. Standing before Inizio, who held a strawberry shake in his hands, his eyes fixated on her arrival, she raised an eyebrow inquisitively, silently seeking his approval.

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