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The cold breeze delicately caressed her bare arms and legs, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. With a charming smile on her face, she took a sip of her coffee, feeling the warmth spreading through her body. As her fingers tightened around the cup, a shy giggle escaped her lips, adding to the rosy hue that covered her cheeks and nose. Strands of her hair playfully danced in the wind, occasionally obscuring the serene emotions that graced her face.

She could hear the weighty sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the familiar scent of his cologne. However, her smile remained intact, refusing to waver. Her gaze momentarily lowered to the ground of the sprawling mansion as he stood a short distance away from her.

"Good evening," she greeted him, her voice filled with genuine delight. Her eyes slowly lifted, transitioning from the ground to the captivating view ahead of her.

"What has brought about this jovial cheer, Ferrari?" he inquired, studying her sudden contentment.

"Just a memory from the past," she replied, her smile softening.

Drawing closer, he stood behind her, his hands gently encircling her waist. His strong body pressed against her back, creating a tingling sensation. However, she welcomed his embrace, as though inviting him to take her wherever he pleased. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he savored her intoxicating scent. "Tell me, what is it that brings such elated bliss to your eyes?" he whispered near her ear, planting a tender kiss on her neck.

A shiver ran through her body as his thumbs caressed the corner of her waist, and his lips found their way to her neck, moving slowly and sensually, causing her to melt in his arms. Her back leaned against his front, and she arched her neck, granting him greater access. "Tell me," he demanded once more, his lips leaving her skin, leaving her craving for more.

Straightening her posture, she answered in a soft, hushed voice, "People are so greedy that they are willing to kill and betray their own blood and their own kind for their personal gain."

His eyes fixated on her blushing features, puzzled by her words. "What is causing all this blushing?" he inquired.

"Velantino Grayson had a sexual encounter with my cousin, thinking that nineteen-year-old Celia was cheating on him. He tied me to a chair and forced me to witness the consequences of my unfounded and baseless accusation," she revealed, her voice and statement seemingly incongruent with her flushed state.

"He believed that I would beg for forgiveness or feel guilt for something I never did. But the greatest irony was that he and I both knew that nineteen-year-old Celia Ferrari had never let any other man touch her body except Velantino Grayson. He used Mia because she was beautiful and accused me to divert attention from the real reason behind his sexual addiction," she explained.

He remained silent, processing her words, before finally asking, "Why is your face still flushed?" She chuckled, her voice filled with shyness. "I will tell you another time," she teased, her cheeks growing even redder. Biting her lower lip, she resisted the urge to break into a grin. Sensing her lack of interest in further discussion, he removed his presence from her back, but his hands remained in their previous position. Clearing her throat to suppress her playful teasing, she turned her head to the side to observe his expression.

His eyes shifted from her captivating gaze to her plump lips as she offered him a sweet smile and inquired, "What time is it exactly?"

Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved his phone to check the time. "It's 11:59," he replied, returning the phone to its place before pulling her closer and turning her around. Engaging in a soft and rhythmic kiss, the sound of their entwined lips echoed across the terrace. Two sworn enemies from different worlds and perspectives gradually coaxed each other, their actions evolving into a fierce and demanding embrace. Asserting his dominance, he angled her face to the side, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Her hands found their place on his nape, pulling him closer to deepen the connection. Their lips were a perfect match, and she rewarded him with a gentle bite on his lower lip, causing him to emit a soft hiss. She leaned her head back, catching her breath. Her body burned with desire, as his proximity always disrupted her inner calm. His eyes roamed over her, captivated by the enchanting sight before him. Calmly, her gaze rose to meet his, accompanied by a pleasant smile on her lips. With an euphonious voice, she wished him, "Happy birthday." The surrounding air became filled with their hushed breaths, and after a while, he processed her words, a smile gracing his lips, and his eyes twinkling as he gazed down at her.

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