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Celia stood in awe before the resplendent full-length mirror, entranced by the opulence that enveloped her exquisitely adorned bedroom. The culmination of her meticulous preparations had resulted in a flawless image, captivating in every intricate detail.

Her slender fingers danced with grace, delicately adjusting the straps of her mesmerizing black gown. The fabric embraced her curves, tracing her figure like a second skin, accentuating her allure in all the right places. She took a moment to indulge in her reflection, tracing her eyes over the gown's intricate embellishments, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. With a final glance filled with confidence, she knew she was ready.

Leaving behind her lavishly decorated suite, Celia descended the grand staircase of their palatial mansion. Each step she took exuded elegance and grace, capturing the attention of her husband's intense gaze.

His piercing eyes roamed north to south on her form, causing a delightful shiver to course down her spine. She could sense his admiration, his provocative gaze lingering, igniting a fire within her. If she allowed herself to imagine, she could almost swear she heard a soft groan escape his lips. Clad in a perfectly tailored black tuxedo, his hair meticulously styled, a single strand playfully grazing his forehead, he personified a dangerously attractive presence.

Engrossed in a heartfelt conversation with their son, Inizio, their bond radiated palpable warmth. In that fleeting moment as their gaze collided, time seemed to stand still, as if the universe paused to witness the poignant connection between father and son.

However, the enchanting moment was interrupted by Inizio's joyful voice, piercing the air with his contagious enthusiasm. "Let's go, Mama!" His excitement permeated the surroundings, reminding Celia that an important destination awaited them.

Approaching her husband, a question brimmed in Celia's eyes. "Where is the party?" she inquired, yearning for a straightforward answer.

A mischievous smile played upon his lips as he skillfully evaded her question. "You shall soon find out," he replied enigmatically, his voice tinged with carelessness.

She rolled her eyes at his curt reply before questioning again. "For what the party is for Please enlighten me with this important question, Venezio."

"Announcement of parentshood." He merely mumbled before saying with a proud affection in hie eyes as his eyes trialed on her beautiful frame. "You're looking beautiful, Mrs D'Amico Cassano." He complimented, taking a step forward. Celia couldn't resist kissing the corner of his lips, her whisper carrying a seductive tone. "You, too, are looking quite handsome, Mr D'Amico Cassano." His lips tilted in a proud smirk.

Celia took a step back, crouching down to Inizio's level, and kissing his cheeks before saying, "And you, my love, look as handsome as ever." Inizio returned the affection, planting a kiss on her cheeks, before innocently mentioning, "Daddy said the same." Celia stood up, raising a brow at him, and he mimicked her action.

"Did he?"

He merely nodded, a sheepish smile playing on his lips, causing a warm flush spread across her features.

"Shall we?" She nodded in response and followed him outside. Making their way to Venezio's luxurious car, the doors swung open, revealing plush leather seats. Settling into the backseat, Inizio nestled in Venezio's lap on her left side. The engine roared to life, propelling the sleek vehicle into motion, gliding effortlessly through the night, seamlessly merging with the enigmatic darkness.

The city lights transformed into a mesmerizing mosaic, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that painted the world beyond their windows. Engrossed in a spirited conversation initiated by Inizio, laughter and playfulness filled the air, making the thirty minutes slip away unnoticed.

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