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With a delicate flutter of her long lashes, she created a gentle curtain, shielding her eyes from the invigorating rays of sunlight that filtered through the parted curtains. Her mind slowly emerged from the haze of sleep, gradually discerning her whereabouts and the unforgiving progression of time. But then, as if summoned by an unseen force, a vivid reel of memories from the previous night began to play in her mind, each scene unfolding with intense sensuality, akin to the allure of an erotic movie. A rosy blush delicately bloomed on her cheeks, a telltale sign of the passion that had ignited her very being. Disregarding any notion of modesty, she swiftly cast aside the duvet that enveloped her form, opting to dash towards the bathroom with an air of carefree urgency.

The faint soreness between her legs served as a tangible reminder that the intimacy shared the night before had not been confined to a solitary encounter, but rather a series of fervent exchanges that had transpired in three distinct locations. As she busied herself with the hurried act of brushing her teeth, the scintillating water from the bath she had swiftly taken cascading down her body, she could not help but acknowledge the evidence of their amorous exploits. Hastily tying the satin robe around her lithe figure, she darted out of his opulent suite and raced towards her own abode, her movements an embodiment of swift determination.

Her agile feet propelled her through the ornate corridors, fueled by a fervent need to locate Inizio. She embarked upon her quest, commencing with a fervent inspection of his personal chambers, only to be met with emptiness and disappointment. Undeterred, she pressed on, her desperate search leading her to the well-appointed kitchen. Yet, to her dismay, her beloved was nowhere to be found within its familiar confines. Her heart sank, a sense of trepidation taking hold of her, as she continued her frantic exploration, combing through the elegant living room and the verdant embrace of the meticulously manicured garden.

Her breath grew heavy, a palpable manifestation of the fear and anxiety that gripped her chest. Just as she began to resign herself to the tormenting uncertainty, a benevolent house worker, seemingly attuned to her distress, approached without hesitation. With a kindness that warmed her heart, he divulged the coveted information she so desperately sought. "Madame, young master is currently engaged with Don in his expansive study," he disclosed, a radiant smile accompanying his gesture of helpfulness. Gratitude surged within her, her own smile mirroring the worker's benevolence, and without hesitation, she set forth towards her destination, propelled by a renewed sense of hope.

In a burst of anticipation, she arrived at the entrance of the grand study, an intimate space brimming with knowledge and cherished memories. Without pausing to announce her presence, she swung open the ornate double doors, revealing a scene that both relieved her anxiety and stirred a profound sense of nostalgia. There, seated upon the lap of Venezio, her adored Inizio held two toy dinosaurs in his tiny palms, his vivid imagination bringing them to life through animated battles and comical sound effects. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, releasing the tension that had coiled within her.

As her eyes met her husband's gaze, she couldn't help but shy away, her mind involuntarily conjuring the vivid recollections of their shared intimacy atop this very table. The delicate hue of crimson gradually suffused her features, revealing the subtle intricacies of her bashfulness to any who chanced upon her. Her gaze fleetingly lingered on his lips, which curved into an authentic smile, blissfully unaware of the effect they had on her. In response, her own lips mirrored his, the gentle twitch betraying a shared connection that transcended words, a secret language now only they could understand.

Stepping forward, she opened her arms and cradled their baby in them, peppering his face with affectionate kisses, eliciting sweet giggles from their precious son, Inizio. "When did you wake up, my sweetheart?" she inquired, her voice filled with maternal tenderness.

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