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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie darkness over the land, the grand estate's inhabitants sought refuge within the walls of their chambers. The once bustling corridors now stood abandoned, their emptiness resonating with the distant crash of waves and the fading footsteps of weary souls yearning for sleep's comforting embrace.

Clad in a flowing silk nightgown, Celia found herself drawn to the window of their chamber. The moon's pale glow spilled through the glass, suffusing the room with a haunting luminescence. She craved the tranquility of the night, a sanctuary from the demands of the day.

A gust of wind whispered through the room, causing the heavy curtains to rustle. Celia's heart skipped a beat as the doors swung open, revealing Venezio, his face etched with serenity. Having just completed the arduous task of putting their son, Inizio, to sleep after much tantrums of the little one.

Silently, Venezio closed the door behind him, its sound echoing through the chamber like a final seal. With each deliberate step he took towards Celia, her heartbeat quickened, fluttering within her chest like a captive bird yearning to break free. She observed as his normally warm eyes now held a glimmer of something familiar-something intense.

Approaching her, Venezio's proximity enveloped Celia, heightening her awareness of their shared breaths in the stifling air. The room seemed to shrink, its walls closing in around them. A blend of anticipation and apprehension gripped her, as if she stood on the edge of an uncharted abyss.

His hand extended, fingers caressing her quivering skin, setting ablaze a path of flames along her nerve endings. Their gaze locked, the weight of their desire passing between them like invisible threads. Celia could no longer withstand the magnetic force pulling her closer to Venezio.

Unable to resist the swirling desires enveloping them any longer, his lips sought her enticing mouth once again, seizing her jaw to tilt her face for better access. He devoured her lips, his tongue venturing into her mouth, evoking a soft murmur of pleasure as he entered. Her hands clung to his shirt, pressing herself against him.

Her eyes widened when she felt his hardened arousal against her stomach. Her hand ventured south, teasingly caressing the bulge, eliciting a deep growl from his throat. He pulled her closer by the waist, and she stood on tiptoes, sharing a deep, lingering kiss before gradually parting their lips.

Flushed faces, heavy and irregular breaths escaped their mouths, chests rising and falling with aggression, the carnal desire palpable in the air. Their foreheads met as he spoke in a dark and alluring tone. "così fottutamente bello." (so fucking beautiful.)

The beats of their hearts resonated loudly, filling the hushed room with a distinct melody.

He took hold of the delicate straps of her nightgown, his touch exuding a confidence that sent shivers down her spine. With perfect ease, he slid the silk nightgown off her shoulders, allowing it to pool around her feet. She stood before him, bare except for her lace panties. Their gazes locked, igniting a primal connection between them. In one swift motion, he wrapped her legs around his torso, effortlessly carrying her towards the bed. With a tenderness that belied his strength, he gently placed her upon the soft mattress.

As he shed his tuxedo jacket and unbuttoned his attire, she watched his every move with rapt attention. The sight of his sculpted upper body, now fully exposed, caused her to clench her thighs together, feeling the wetness pooling between her legs. Biting her lower lip, she observed his eyes briefly close, a low growl escaping his lips. He unbuckled his belt, casting it aside, and with unwavering confidence and pride, he lowered his pants, standing before her in only his boxers. The bulge within strained against the fabric, aching to be set free.

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