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Celia's awakening was abrupt, a jolt that sent her heart into a wild rhythm and her body drenched in a sheen of perspiration. As she gasped for air, her trembling form rose from the bed, tears streaming down her face like a torrential rain. The night had been a macabre slideshow of harrowing memories, memories she had fought tooth and nail to bury in the darkest corners of her mind.

In the chilling darkness of the bedroom, the air thick with an eerie stillness, the ghostly images of a young Celia sprawled upon frigid marble floors, the crimson tide of her own blood pooling around her, invaded her consciousness. She quivered, her fragile arms enveloping her in a desperate attempt to hold together the fragments of her shattered nerves.

Celia's hands, trembling as if possessed by an invisible force, extended towards the glass of water perched upon her nightstand. But her grasp faltered, and with a heart-wrenching crash, the glass cascaded to the floor, shattering into a mosaic of glistening shards. The cacophony of its destruction shattered the oppressive silence that hung in the air, but it was a fleeting disruption. The nightmare clung to her mind, an unyielding specter refusing to loosen its grip.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Celia swung her legs over the edge of the bed, her bare feet making contact with the unforgiving coldness of the hardwood floor. Each step she took felt like an odyssey through a treacherous labyrinth of her own fears, the weight of her past pressing upon her with each breath. Feeble moonlight filtered through the tenebrous curtains, casting grotesque shadows that danced upon the walls, heightening her unease.

Her feet, guided by an invisible force, carried her through the dimly lit hallway, its oppressive stillness pervading the grand mansion. The air grew colder, tendrils of icy coldness snaking around her like the embrace of vengeful spirits. Finally, she reached the second-to-last door on the third floor, her gaze inevitably drawn to the ancient grandfather clock that stood sentinel in the hallway. Its steady ticking provided a semblance of order amidst the tumultuous chaos that plagued her mind.

With each measured tick, fragmented memories surged forth like an unrelenting tide, their pieces forming an enigmatic puzzle that Celia desperately sought to solve. She was haunted by the untimely departure of her parents, their absence etching an indelible mark upon her very essence. The sterile corridors of the hospital, their antiseptic scent mingling with the anguish that had consumed her for almost two unbearable months after her mother's passing, had left an indelible imprint on her psyche. The echoes of piercing screams and the sight of her own blood staining the once pristine marble floor were grotesque tableaux she could not erase.

Her hand, trembling yet resolute, came to rest upon the door of Inizio's room. The room beyond held the solace she desperately sought, the key to unlocking the redemption she yearned for. Hesitation briefly gripped her, its icy tendrils threatening to paralyze her, but determination prevailed. With a hand that betrayed her inner turmoil, she turned the cold, metallic doorknob, pushing the door open to reveal a sanctuary cloaked in impenetrable darkness.

As she stepped into the room, a sliver of pale moonlight breached the heavy curtains, casting an ethereal glow that painted the room in muted shades. Inizio, her precious baby, lay peacefully upon the bed, blissfully unaware of the tumult that consumed his mother. The sight of his innocent repose tugged at her heartstrings, a bittersweet mixture of love and pain that swelled within her.

Celia approached him with cautious steps, her hand outstretched to touch the tiny fingers that clenched and unclenched in slumber. A wave of emotion, a tumultuous symphony of tenderness and anguish, washed over her as she watched him sleep. Inizio's innocence stood in stark contrast to the storm raging within her, and Celia yearned to protect him from the terrors that had plagued her own existence.

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