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Her delicate fingers glided over the elegant calligraphy on the invitation card, tracing each word with a growing smile on her lips. The anticipation danced in her eyes as they fell upon the exquisite purple satin dress and sparkling jewels that awaited her. Slowly slipping out of her robe, she caressed her skin with moisturizer, savoring the sensation, before gracefully donning the dress.

The words on the card echoed in her mind, resonating with the husky timbre of his voice, beckoning her into a world of temptation.

"Waiting for you, my sweetheart."

She adorned her face with carefully applied makeup, ensuring every detail was flawless. The crescent moon pendant he had gifted her rested gracefully around her neck, accompanied by additional rings that adorned her fingers. Slipping into her heels, she spritzed a hint of her alluring perfume into the air, casting a seductive aura, and stole a final glance at her reflection in the mirror.

Satisfied with her appearance, she left the room, pausing to check on her slumbering children one last time to ensure their peaceful rest. Descending the stairs, she entered the waiting car that would transport her to her destination.

The journey was brief, only twenty minutes passing before the driver skillfully rounded the car to a halt and opened the door for her, a gesture of respect she acknowledged with a gentle voice of gratitude. Her gaze swept toward the radiant modern architecture that stood before her, illuminating the night with its grandeur.

A poised man awaited her, leading her to the elevator and guiding her to the floor where her husband awaited. The elevator chimed as it arrived at the thirty-eighth floor of the building, its doors opening to reveal a sight that left Celia in awe—a luxurious penthouse transformed into a haven of romance.

Flowers and candles adorned the space, clandestinely arranged to create an enchanting atmosphere. The intoxicating scent of roses and gardenias permeated the air, mingling with the perfect illumination that cast a captivating ambiance, setting the stage for an unforgettable night.

Lost in the splendor surrounding her, Celia didn't notice the departure of the man who had guided her. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms enveloped her from behind, their touch sending shivers down her spine. She inhaled his masculine cologne as he pressed a tender kiss against her neck, eliciting a response that stirred her senses.

Her hands instinctively clasped his, and he turned her around, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss that left her breathless. After a moment, he pulled back slightly, gently tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

His scrutinizing eyes lingered upon her flushed features as he complimented her in a deep, seductive tone. "You're looking so stunning today," he breathed, his words carrying a weight of truth. "Absolutely stunning."

She gazed back at him, finding herself lost within the depths of his grey eyes, the windows to his soul. With a tiptoe, she planted a sweet kiss on his lips, whispering enticingly into his ear.

"You're looking just good too," she playfully teased, her voice laced with desire.

He chuckled, raising an eyebrow in response. "Just good? He queried.

She obediently nodded, a mischievous smile gracing her lips. "Ok fine. You're not just looking good but, you're wickedly irresistible," she admitted, a mischievous glint in her eye.

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