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Suprise my lovelies ✨

As the sun streamed through the afternoon window, casting a warm glow on the room, Inizio sat at his little desk, engrossed in his drawing book. His tiny hand held the crayon with precision, delicately shading the intricate patterns. His mother, watched him with adoring eyes, a smile playing on her lips. Her heart swelled with pride as she witnessed her son's growing talents.

Inizio's lips stretched even further into a grin as he concentrated on his messy artwork. The world around him seemed to fade away, as if his entire being was devoted to the vibrant colors that danced beneath his fingertips. He was in his own little universe, a realm where creativity blossomed and imagination ran wild.

Celia couldn't help but marvel at the sheer joy emanating from her son. His passion for art was evident in every stroke he made.

Completing the final touches on his current masterpiece, Inizio lifted his gaze to meet his mother's eyes. The connection between them spoke volumes without the need for words. His eyes sought affirmation, a silent request for validation.

Celia's face lit up, mirroring her son's radiant smile. She leaned in closer, her voice filled with pride. "My brave boy is learning so fast, you did great, love." Her words caressed the air, carrying with them a sense of warmth and encouragement.

Unable to contain her joy, Celia pressed a gentle kiss on Inizio's rosy cheek. The touch of her lips sent a ripple of delight through his tiny frame, prompting a melodious giggle to escape from his lips. His laughter filled the room, a harmonious symphony of innocence and happiness.

Inizio, overflowing with excitement, raised his little hand for a hi-fi, eager to celebrate his accomplishment with his doting mother. Celia gladly reciprocated the gesture, their hands coming together in a joyous clap.

Filled with newfound determination, Inizio refocused his attention on the remaining patterns in his drawing book. The world around him faded once again, replaced by a realm of vivid colors and limitless possibilities. With each stroke, he lost himself in the art, immersing himself in the magic that resided within his soul.

Celia sat nearby, a silent witness to her son's blossoming talent. Her heart swelled with love and admiration, grateful to be a part of his journey.

As Inizio busied himself in colouring Celia pondered over the upcoming events of their lives.

Where would this path ultimately lead them?


Was it worth plunging headlong into the abyss, forsaking all they held dear, merely to seek an elusive answer?

Why couldn't Venezio, simply accept her proposition?

Why did his stubbornness and towering ego blind him to the perils that lay ahead?

Why couldn't he see the darkness lurking within his own soul, a darkness that Celia's warning sought to avert?

She was offering him a chance to make a wise choice, a chance to reshape their destinies.

"Why can't you accept my offer, gorgeous?" she pondered, her voice laden with a mix of sorrow and longing.

"Mamaaaa!" Inizio's voice broke through the veil of her contemplation, jolting Celia back to the present.

"What did you say, my love?" she stood up gracefully, gliding towards his desk. Kneeling down to his eye level, she awaited his question with bated breath.

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