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In the realm of passion and desire, a soft moan escaped her lips, a symphony of pleasure and longing echoing in the air. Her breaths came in heavy gasps, her chest rising and falling with each deepening thrust. Every touch of his lips left a trail of marks on her skin, igniting a fiery response within her. The table trembled violently, a testament to the intensity of their movements. With her hands gripping his hair tightly, she surrendered herself to the intoxicating warmth of his body and the wetness of his kisses. Her reactions were involuntary, unable to resist the allure of his skilled maneuvers. As her legs wrapped tightly around his torso, she formed an impossible bond, merging their bodies as one.

A single glance from him was all it took for her body to respond, a primal connection that seemed to transcend time. It could be their last encounter, a moment to etch his touch into her memory forever. The wild and raw intimacy they shared, the juxtaposition of soft and harsh caresses of his lips on her skin, everything in this moment revolved around them.

Two souls engaged in a seductive dance, each movement carefully crafted to elicit pleasure and surrender. His grip on her small waist tightened, pulling her impossibly closer to him. Her parted lips attempted to gasp for air, her blood aflame as he skillfully targeted her most sensitive spot, evoking a symphony of moans from her once again. Her bosoms pressed against his chiseled chest, feeling the defined contours of his well-sculpted abs. Their skin seemed to be perfectly compatible, a divine match made in the realms of desire.

She teetered on the edge of sanity, pushed to her limits by his relentless pace and untamed thrusts. With each deep penetration, her body arched and convulsed, signaling the familiar sensation building in the pit of her stomach. Sensing her nearing climax, he withdrew slightly, observing her with an intense gaze. Then, with a forceful thrust that stretched her walls, he unleashed the torrent of warmth and stickiness, blending with the waves of pleasure that washed over her on the very same table they had shared their passion tonight.

Exhausted yet fulfilled, she rested her head on his muscular shoulder, finding solace in his embrace. Her hands found their place on his back, pulling him into a lazy yet welcomed hug. His right hand tenderly caressed her tresses while his left cupped her waist, their breaths resonating within the now quiet walls. "You have only ten minutes to rest, sweetheart," he gruffly declared before gently lifting her and settling her on the soft mattress. Wrapping a towel around his torso, he strolled towards the balcony, lighting a cigarette, leaving her to bask in the afterglow.

The flickering flame illuminated his chiseled features as he drew a breath, the smoke curling around his face in a seductive dance. Holding the cigarette between his fingers, he exhaled slowly, a thin stream of smoke escaping his lips. Lost in profound thoughts of the impending morning, he realized that their time together would come to an end, forever.

She would beg for release. He would make sure of it.

Inhaling and exhaling for a few more minutes, he crushed the cigarette against the ceiling and reentered the suite. His brows furrowed as he saw her sitting against the headboard, holding a silver velvet box in her hands. Their eyes locked, her lips curved into a smile, and the duvet delicately draped over her collar line. Standing beside her,she gestured for him to extend his hand, and he did extend his right hand as she placed the box in his palm. Confusion clouded his mind as she whispered, "Your present."

A smirk played on his lips as he replied, "I already received my present." This time, her brows furrowed with uncertainty. "What? When?"

"Are you forgetting that I had you on the table?" A rich chuckle resonated through the suite as she suppressed the grin that threatened to spread across her lips. "Open it," she swiftly changed the topic. His gaze shifted from her to the box in his hand, contemplating for a brief moment. Slowly, he opened the box, and his eyes widened in moderate surprise. His heart skipped a beat as he beheld the taaffeite band nestled inside. The radiant gem sparkled under the dim lighting, an exquisite testament to its rarity. His eyes glistened with amazement, a mind-blowing gesture to receive such a precious gift from the person he was about to confine within the next twenty-four hours.

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