Im dumb

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Author here. I don't think I ever showed you guys what you looked like. Which is a shame, I've shown you the symbol and the many swords and outfits of yourself but never what you look like. It's time to change that, I just spent hours coloring in this line art I found, I would gladly credit the original creator but I couldn't find anything on them. But here you are, a lovely enby with Vitiligo. Although is it really vitiligo if your whole village/clan has it? Or is it just a genetic trait? Who know. Uzumaki red overpowers the light pink of the Delone's any day and well. You can obviously see the clan colors.
I tried to use color theory, not that good at it. But as my brother said when he helped "oh yeah, waifu right there." So do with that as you will.

" So do with that as you will

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