Chapter 38

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The band is loudly playing music, people sitting one the benches are cheering. As Marley, Steve and Brenda enter, the basketball team runs out of the changing room cheering.

"Lets go tigers!" All the cheerleaders are screaming, and the team begins warming up by dribbling, throwing and catching the ball to each other.

Steve takes a flyer from someone at the door and he and Brenda follow after Marley as she finds a seat

"Does is bother you that like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?" Brenda says to Steve as she twists her curls.

"You know yeah yeah, that's in interesting point, thank you so much for bringing that up Brenda." He looks up at Marlow and rolls his eyes, Marley grins showing the dimples in her cheeks.

The band stops as the principal takes his place in front of the microphone. He clears his throat and starts talking.

"Everyone please rise, for our national anthem." He stops giving everyone time to stand up, "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own, Tammy Thompson!" The crowd cheers and Marley noticed Steve look at Robin. Tammy's walked out in a white jacket and a pink dress, waving at everybody.

She then proceed to sing the most, off-key, high-pitched version of the national anthem anyone had ever heard.

"Told you, muppet." Marlow heard Steve whisper, to Robin, Marley chuckled a little.

"Wow, she sounds amazing doesn't she?" Brenda says looking at Steve. After what felt like years she finally stopped singing.

The players jumped up and got in to position, the whistle blew and the game started, Lucas on the bench. Goal after goal was scored by each teams, Jason passed the ball to another player on the tigers and he caught it before jumping up to score a goal, only to be bowled over by a player on the other team, he fell to the ground and was carried off with a limp by two other players. Jason squaring up with the other guy until the umpire told him to get back to the game

The coach of the tigers pointed to Lucas and then back to the court. Lucas was quick to throw off his jacket run into the game.
More goals were scored by each team, Steve was yelling demands a the team for them to 'pass!' or 'shoot it!' More goals were scored and Jason called a time out.

They start playing again and Jasontries to shoot strait away, the ball bounces off the hoop before missing, they players all reach for it, Lucas managing to get it in his grip. He dribbles away from the other players and turns and jumps shooting the ball, with only one second left. The buzzer goes off while the balls still in the air, it bounces around the ring before hitting the backboard and dropping in through the hoop.

The crowd instantly erupted in to cheers, Marley and Steve instantly hugging, as the basketball team grab on to Lucas lifting him up, chanting his name.

After everyone was leaving the gym, Marley ran off from Steve and towards Lucas as he was with his team.

"Lucas!" Marlow yelled

"Marley!" he shouts as he ran up her wrapping his arms around her for a quick hug.

"Well done! You did so good!" Marlow said beaming at him.

"Thanks for being there. I noticed the others weren't." He says with a disappointed look on his face. Marley sighed, she knew he really wanted Max to at least be there.

One of the doors flew open and out came the hellfire club cheering. Both Mike and Dustin were there, along with Erica for some reason.
Marley guessed they got her to sub for Lucas.
They didn't even notice Lucas and Marley staring at them,

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