Chapter 46

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Max, Lucas, Marlow and Erica were all quietly walking around the creel house trying to find Vecna. Suddenly Erica walked into the room where Marley was holding up a sheet of paper that read 'found vecna.' Marley nodded as they began looking of Lucas and Max.

Once Lucas and Max had been found, Erica led them into what would've been the living room, where Erica's lamp was glowing brighter than usual. They stoped at the door, but Max began walking forward. Suddenly the light moved from Erica's lamp to Max's.

They all exchanged glances as Erica pulled the lid of her texta begging into write, before showing it to Lucas and Marley, 'phase one?' Was written on the sheet. Lucas and Marley gave her a nod, so Erica turned and left so she could wait in the old playground across the road.

Max, Lucas and Marley were currently sitting on the couches in the living room anxiously waiting. Max pulled out her paper and texta beginning to write. She turned it around showing the other two what she had written. 'Hi.'

Marley and Lucas grabbed there paper beginning to write. 'Hi.' They wrote back, Lucas adding a smily face. Max looked back down writing again, before showing the page. 'I'm glad you here.' Marley turned around pretending to be interested in something out the window, even though it was boarded up and she couldn't see through it.

A few minutes passed and Erica's light could be seen flashing through the window. Marley lifted hers up flashing in back as Lucas and Max joined her at the window.

Lucas and Marley waited as Max tied he shoes before making there way back to the living room, where Erica's lamp was glowing brighter again. Max turned to Lucas and Marley fear in her eyes before taking the headphones of her head, and switching of the music.

"Hey! Asshole!" Max yelled "I'm here. No more music. No more games. Do you here me?" She questioned her voice raising "what are you waiting for, huh? Do you want me or not?" The lamp grew dim as it moved across to Max's causing hers to glow brighter. They slowly began heading to the hall and climbing the stairs making there way to the attic.

Max stood in the centre of the attic, holding the light up. Marley and Lucas standing of to the side. The light began dining cussing Max to glance at the other two.

"What are you waiting for, asshole?" Yelled Max "Hmm, I'm right here. I'm right here! I know you can here me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worst ones. Maybe mostly the worst ones." Max sat the lamp down on one of the two chests in front of her. Before setting her Walkman in the other chest. She sat down pulling her knees up to her chest.

"I though about what you said." Max went on, "about show I wanted my brother to die. I thought you were just trying to upset me. To anger me. But you weren't, we're you. You were just telling the truth. billy, he made my life living hell. Every chance he got. So, sometimes... when I would lie in bed at night, I would... I would pray... I would pray that something would happen to him. Something awful. I knew that he drove to fast, so I would imagine him crashing. Dying in that stupid car."

Max paused taking a shaky breath. "I just... I wanted him out my life. Forever. I wanted him to disappear. The day that he died... I think that's why I just stood there. Watched. Not because I was scared or... weak. But because I didn't know if her deserved to be saved. And Ive tired to forgive myself. I've tried but... I can't. I can't. So now, now when I lie in bed... I pray that something will happen to me. That something terrible will happen to me. So that's why I'm here. Because... I just want you to take me away." By this point Max was in Tears, and Lucas and Marleys hearts were breaking just listening to Max pleading with Vecna. "And I want you... to make me disappear."

Suddenly Maxs eyes rolled into the back of her head, signalling that Vecna had her. Lucas and Marley were both quick to Bob down by her side.

"Max, can you hear me?" Lucas questioned, fear in his voice.

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