𝐂𝐡.4: 𝐃𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐠

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3rd pov

Two days. That's how long it took for Min Joon to finish his reading marathon. Except for meal times and a messy sleep schedule, he mostly read through the stories without ill effect. Ending it with a satisfying finale to a short webtoon was such a great cap-off to the marathon.

As he sat back on his dining chair, his ginormous windows show a clear view of the peaceful night sky. No, he doesn't live under a rock to not understand the shimmering night. But he admitted that he rarely have any time to do nothing but to stare at it forever.

Whenever the night shines through his window, the feeling of calmness fills the entire house. The feelings of a peaceful and quiet environment that benefited him with its charms. And as cheesy as it sounds, it was the only sentence that he could think of for a question like this.

In his ideal world, he would just spend time in his house doing his favourite activities, all without a care of the world. If only reality could be this romantic, he wouldn't hate the world as it was.

But unless he ends his own life, he'd have no choice but to suck it up all over again and accept the disappointing reality. And while that idea felt tempting, it would make everything that happens here useless. It left an awkward taste in his mouth, much to his own chagrin.

Learning that same reality being fictional does not help, but at least he's trying to cope with it. In fact, it was a shocker to him that he got used to it quicker than he expected. He thought he would go down on a path of denial by now.

It's the weeb inside him. Yep, that's definitely it.

Looking at his phone, he encountered his messages to Mr. Unknown. Had it not been for their help, he would've been stuck in his room figuring out the mess. Not enough to lessen his supicions, but at least he got some answers out of their texts.

One of them was about the timeline of the universe. Since most of its manhwas are standalone stories, he could only rely on its references to connect the dots. Excluding 'Manager Kim', both he and Mr. Unknown could only speculate regarding the others' placements.

Speaking of the aforementioned story, its status as a prequel of his world essentially thrown all of his doubts out of the window. Its ongoing story serves as a history lesson behind some important legends, but he felt a sigh of relief over not interring a story that already happened years ago.

As for the others stories, only four of them matter in the grand scheme of things. One of them being such a good story that it felt best to not interfere with it. If only he wasn't using his opinions to mask his hatred of the Daily Pass system on the website. Damn you.

In conclusion, he would mostly get involved with the story of Lookism, while How To Fight and Quest Supremacy is more like a side mission. Funny how the holy trinity involved his home district in one or another. 

Quite the coincidence, he dare say. Almost...too much of a coincidental thing.

Since when was Gangbuk a hotspot for delinquency?

Whatever. He should cut back on the stargazing for now. There's a new dilemma on the loose, and that is none other than money and morality.

The first one is finding an source of income. Even though he lives comfortably, it would only be a matter of time before money runs out. He was thinking of a part-time job, but that might interfere with this whole journey thing he have going on. Maybe becoming a NewTuber?

Right, he can make money from the site once he figures out the algorithim. But what kind of content should he do?

Whatever. He'll probably figure something out about the income, because he has an even bigger issue to settle. One regarding his stance as a morally grey person.

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