Sound of a heart breaking

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Mor lounged on a green velvet couch before the fireplace; Amren sat in Varian's lap on the matching couch opposite her, Feyre beside them, a hand on her belly. Rhys sprawled in an armchair, and Cassian occupied a second armchair with Lucien leaning against it, arguing with them about something that seemed related to a sporting event. Eve was having fun just by listening to them argue- with Cassian vexing Lucien enough that his real eye twitched every other minute. Az was near the doorway, observing them all. When she had given him a concerned look he had only said he wanted to observe for a while before joining.

It was a while before Nesta entered followed by Elain- both radiant though the former looked rather terrified at the prospect of spending her night here. Eve waved at her and she gave a tentative smile. She had forgiven her after Court of Nightmares- with a small warning to always remember that Eve was here for her if she ever felt the need to. And if talking was not the way- to shout and fight with. But never to harm someone else physically or verbally. That had been Eve's only condition and Nesta had agreed. Nesta understood.

"Sit," Eve beckoned. "Do you want some peppermint tea?" Nesta nodded and sat, saying to Feyre, "Happy birthday." Feyre smiled again. "Thank you." A collective sense of relief that filled the room which had Eve wincing in the slightest. Elain had taken the seat between Feyre and Varian, about as far from Lucien as she could get. Azriel remained in the doorway.

"How's the Spring Court?" Nesta asked. "How you'd expect." Tension rippled through the room, confirmation that Tamlin had heard the news of Feyre's pregnancy.

Nesta said, "And Jurian and Vassa?" Lucien gave Eve a sideway look before saying "At each other's throats, as they like to be," Eve chuckled.

Lucien asked, sipping his tea, "How's the training?" She gave him a smile—a true one. "Good. We're learning how to disembowel a male." Lucien choked on his drink making Eve laugh in cruel delight earning her a glare from Lucien and a glance from Az. Cassian declared proudly to Lucien, "As you'd expect, Nes excels at it." Mor lifted her glass in a mockery of a toast. "My favourite part of training."

Nesta frowned. "We haven't cut the ribbon yet, though." Mor's brows bunched. "So, you really are learning Valkyrie techniques." Nesta nodded. Mor grinned. "You mind if I start joining you once this business with Vallahan is over? I never got to train with the Valkyries before the first War, and after it, they were all gone."

"I think the priestesses would like to see you," Nesta said, and glanced to Cassian to make sure he didn't mind. He waved a hand. Mor's grin turned fiendish. "Good. I also want to make sure Cassian actually wears his present to practice." "Gods spare me," Cassian groaned. Rolling her eyes in fondness, Eve turned back to Lucien whose eyes kept glancing on his mate. On seeing her pointed gaze on him, he cleared his throat. But Eve did not go down that road- not tonight. "How are your pottery lessons coming?"

"Pottery?" Feyre's voice trailed. Lucien scowled. "Yes," Eve smiled, not even a bit sorry, "he is picking up some hobbies from the nearby village. It keeps him calm and centred," her hand waved in the air. Feyre's smiled widened and Elain glanced, listening to their conversation. "Thank you for that," Lucien muttered under his breath. And although he was a sarcastic shit, Eve said sweetly, "of course, dear Lucien."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Nesta go to where Az stood. They were talking about something. Cassian too had noticed. When his eyes met hers, Eve smiled- it was nice to see Nesta and Az talking with each other. He barely talked and she was just finding her footing here.


It was almost an hour before they started with the presents. Initially, Eve had thought to get something for the babe but apparently, Fae did not do that- considering it bad luck to buy something for a baby before it was born. But Feyre's birthday gifts were bountiful—perhaps glaringly so.

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