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Leo's POV

I remember waking up in the hospital. None of the doctors would tell me what had happened. I don't remember much. We were hit headfirst, and I was thrown through the windshield. Luckily, I hadn't been that badly injured. I remember forcing myself to roll and eventually the ground was no longer hard and then I don't remember. I had road burn on my knees and my hands. I broke two fingers in my right hand and ended up with a concussion. Other than that. I was alright. 

I don't know what happened to Malique or Indi, again the doctors won't tell me what happened afterwards. Just that they were keeping me till today.

"Are you even listening to me, Mr. Grean?" I sighed looking at the third doctor I've seen today. 

"No. I'm busy worrying about what had happened in the accident. If I had a clear mind and someone fuckin told me, I'd be able to think more about what you all have to say instead of my own worrying." I gritted my teeth as the doctor stood from his stool and walked to his desk, he flipped through some of his papers and pulled one out. He walked over and began speaking. 

"One of the paramedics on staff wrote this out so we could inform the accident victims of everything that took place during the scene;

"We arrived on scene to find several blood stains and multiple outlines of the victims' bodies lying about the scene. I began searching for any survivors or indications of possible injured leaving the scene but came up empty. I was able, through conductive reasoning, notice the bale out through the front windshield indicated a body was thrown out the front of the vehicle. Following that premise I looked for a body or any indication that a body had been there. But found none so I looked on for blood and found several skid marks. I followed them to the curb of the road and onto the shoulder down into a ravine several yards from the sight. In the ravine was where I spotted our first male victim laying prone with his hand under his abdomen. From there I presumed duty....."

"It wasn't until this morning that we had the report of what the EMT and paramedics on scene saw or knew. You were the only one found on scene. My unprofessional opinion tells me that this was a direct accident which I have informed the police of. That being said if there is anything you know about what happened officers will be there momentarily to speak with you. So, if you would please, when you leave you are being proscribed painkillers and ointment for the burns. Other than that, I do hope that whatever pickle you're in is taken care of and otherwise take care of yourself and have a wonderful rest of your day." The doctor ended his sentence handing me a few papers and leaving with a nod and smile. Several seconds later there was a firm knock on the door and an officer entered the room.

"Mr. Grean." He said with a nod, and another followed in behind him. "I'm Officer Bradish and this is Hewit. We've been informed on a lot of different fronts about what happened the other night but let's start with your statement." So, I told them. Everything. I told them about what had happened and that they had taken Gryffin. I told them about Indi about Malique, Dominic and how they had taken him in a similar way.

A nurse was taking out my I.V. as Bradish began folding his notepad away. ""Thank you, M... Leo," He finally corrected himself after telling him several times. "And thank you for serving. I understand that your boyfriend has been through a lot, and I do hope we can get to the bottom of this." He finished and i sighed.

"I just hope Gryffin makes it this long." I said standing while pulling on the shir the nurse had brought for me. 

"Gryffin?" The nurse suddenly asked, and we all looked at her. She was staring at me.

"Yes...? Gryffin, that's my boyfriends name." I said and she dropped her syringe on the table. 

"Gryffin Varland?" She said and I froze. 

What Happened to the Boy From Apt 4? (What Happened Series #3)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now