Chapter Nine

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It was Monday and Lexie was partaking in some stunt training. She had to learn how to fight, hold a gun as well as drive a speed boat at rapid speed in the open water. Today was combat training for the moment she is held hostage, she was wearing work out clothes, black Lycra leggings and a black sports bra. "And same again on three, 1,2 and go" the trainer yelled. She did the routine she had been taught and almost got there without losing her balance. "Good! Well done. I think by the end of the week we should have this. If you can try and work on your core strength? You've got the pivot down, that's probably from the years of dancing" Lexie smiled and grabbed a bottle of water sipping it. It was fairly humid today and she wiped her brow with a small towel. "Ok well I better go shower, I'm due on set at 3." The trainer nodded before bidding her goodbye.

After a quick shower, she donned a small t shirt style dress. It was clingy and had capped sleeves but with the temperature being as warm as it was, even that was too much, she tied her hair up into a high pony tail and grabbed her shades and bag heading down to the lobby. She was greeted by Dylan, "Hi! How are you? Good weekend?" She asked the runner. "Yeah it was good thanks, how was yours?" "Yeah I explored a little." "Mr Depp asked if you would wait for him before heading to the set?" "Oh sure, yes I'll wait." They sat chatting for a while before a stampede came down the stairs, Lexie looked up from her phone and spotted five children, two girls and three boys, followed by Paul, his wife Jennifer and then finally Johnny who was donning his usual quirky outfit with blue tinted shades. The youngest girl stopped in her tracks, and almost knocked her brother off his feet when she clocked Lexie. The brunette smiled at the young girl, and she smiled back before running up to her. "Oh my god!!! It's so amazing to meet you!! Thank you thank you thank you for my amazing birthday gifts, it was so kind of you to think of me!" The teenager blurted out in a hurry making Lexie smile. The 13 year old wrapped her arms round the star before pulling back. "I'm Lily-Rose. Wait hang on you know that because you wrote my name on the card." Lexie smiled "Hi, I am Lexie." "It's so good to meet you." "Lily let the woman breathe please." Said Johnny approaching with his hand on his son's shoulder. "Hi Doll, how are you?" Lexie smiled "Great, how are you?" "All good, I'm playing the part of Dad for a while now as their mother is on tour, if this one hassles you too much you need to tell me ok?" Johnny said tipping his head towards his daughter. "Dad!!!" Lily said embarrassed. "I'm sure we will get on just fine. You wanted me to wait for you?" Lexie questioned. "Well yes I thought we could catch up before we began shooting, and besides Lily would have just died if she didn't get to meet you at the first opportunity." The woman giggled before saying hi to Johnny's boy.

An hour later they were in hair and make up together. Fake bruises and blood were being applied, when Johnny disturbed the silence "You know, that really was a thoughtful gift you got Lily, thank you." "Stop thanking me! It was just a little something." "Well still it was very thoughtful." Lexie's phone began ringing. It was her friend Emily. She answered.
"Hey Em."
"Hey! How's Venice?"
"Amazing. I love it so much but it's hot, how's home?"
"Oh same old. I went into your place today, watered your plants, your mum has got your important post to open, and she's gonna pop by there before they fly so let her know if you need anything."
"Ah amazing thank you. What have you been up to?"
"Not a lot, working, house paperwork the usual. Listen I have a proposition..."
"Go on..."
"There's this guy at Max's work, he's new, he's over from New York doing a year's consultancy work."
"And he's single..."
"I'm just saying, he asked if Max knew any single girls.. so naturally...."
"He said oh yeah my wife has this mate who's helpless when it comes to love?"
"I don't think he quite said it like that..."
"Oh gee thanks"
"Just curious if you wanted to go on a double date when you're back?"
"Um I don't know. What's he like?"
"I don't really know, American, single, he's 34."
"That's it? That's all you are going on?"
"Look I told Max I would ask you ok?"
"Em if I'm honest I'm not really looking right now. Thanks though. Why not ask Tara?"
"Oh she's back with what's his face,"
"God really?"
"Yep apparently a bunch of flowers is a good enough apology."
"I know"
"Look I've got to go I'm in make up."
"Ok well think about it ok.."
"I will. Love ya"
"Love ya too"

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