Chapter Thirteen

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Friday morning came round and Lexie was still in her pyjamas when Murphy got dropped round by her parents. "We'll be on set all day but your mother will have her phone so just call if you need anything alright?" "Dad, I'm 32, not 12." "I know sweetie but one day you'll know how it feels to be a parent, you never stop worrying." Lexie rolled her eyes, she knew her parents were desperate for grandchildren and having her so young had made them feel like they had waited forever but even so she knew you couldn't rush these things. She waved off her folks before heading upstairs where her canine companion followed. Murphy knew Lexie's house well and was quite content to snuggle down on her bedroom floor whilst she got ready for the day. It had been agreed that her and Johnny would meet in a discreet little road that led to the park at 10:30. Lexie knew that Johnny wanted to avoid anyone spotting him and she felt compelled to protect him. After getting ready, she donned black skinny jeans, a cosy grey jumper and flat knee high boots. Even though she was only 5ft 4, she knew heels were not an option on a dog walk. She covered her brunette tresses with a cute hat hoping it would offer some form of disguise before grabbing her coat and over the body bag.

Johnny had awoken fairly early and on this rare occasion was actually on schedule to be on time. He was sat in the back of the car being driven by his head of security Sean whilst texting his close pal Stephen Deuters.

Hey SD. How's things? Wondered if you and G are free a little later for late lunch/early dinner, I'm in town. Will be heading back to Jeff's late. JD X

All good here pal. That would be great. G busy this morning but why not come straight here and we can hang? I've got a few scripts to go over with you? X

I can't until mid afternoon. Seeing a friend. Will call when I'm finished x

A friend? Bring the friend?

It's ok - thanks for the offer, will see you later. JD x

Lexie walked the short distance to the agreed meeting point hoping Johnny and his driver had found it ok, and as she turned the corner she was incredibly impressed to see a car ready and waiting. As she approached she saw Johnny in the back on his phone, he quickly looked up and offered a dazzling smile before climbing out. "Hey you." "You found it! I was hoping you would!" "Yeah it was easy, sorry I couldn't come to yours, with all those workman there it seemed a little much." "Hey don't be, I totally get it and anyway it was me who changed the plans." "It's not a problem doll, I assure you." Lexie smiled sweetly. "Well this is Murphy." Johnny bent down and fussed over the dog for a few moments, Murphy loved the attention and even rolled onto his back wanting his belly rubbed which Johnny was more than happy to oblige to do making Lexie giggle. "Fancy coffee then?" She said as Johnny stood "Sure thing doll. Is it far?" "No maybe a 10 minute walk and then the park is right next door." Johnny turned to Sean, who shrugged clearly a wordless conversation was happening. "If you think you can stay out of trouble then I'll stay here. Don't venture too far though ok?" Johnny chuckled "Anyone would think I'm a child!" "Don't worry my parents already told me today to call if I need anything." Johnny smirked before they headed off on the walk.

They had made their way to the coffee shop and ordered takeaway drinks. It seemed fairly quiet for a weekday, and as Lexie knew most of the staff in there it didn't pose an issue. The pair then made their way to the park and headed to the wooded area. Murphy was let off the lead but stayed fairly close to Lexie. They were mid conversation when Lexie's phone rang. She groaned loudly before biting her lip. "You ok doll?" Johnny asked. "Yeah sorry, just this guy not getting the hint at all. Honestly it's been months, what is his issue?" Johnny smirked looking down, "maybe he's realised what he's missing?" "Yeah well he should have thought about that before taking her to bed shouldn't he?" Lexie bit her lip again. "Sorry that was totally uncalled for." "God don't be sorry, I'm the champion of complaining about exes." Lexie smirked. "I'm sure, and nobody could ever complain about you badmouthing her." Johnny smirked. "I shouldn't have said that should I?" Lexie giggled nervously putting her hand over her mouth. "No by all means, I like it when you are honest." "What do you mean when?" "I think you have this great need to please people, to tell them what you think they want to hear or know, you know you are allowed your own opinion darling, stand up for what you believe in and back yourself." Lexie nodded "I know, I'm trying, just being told how to walk, talk, dress, act, behave everything for so long got to me." "I know doll, trust me I know." Lexie smiled before they continued their walk. "So this ex of yours, won't leave you alone?" "Nope. I get regular phone calls, and texts, sometimes both if he's been drinking. Flowers arrive a lot. It's nearly been a year for goodness sake." "Wow, he's persistent." "Yeah, I doubt he will be when he hears my new album." Johnny chuckled "see that's my girl, that's the attitude."

The pair walked for hours without even realising. It was only when Sean called Johnny to ask where he had got to that they realised how much time they had spent with one another. "Same time next week?" Johnny said as they approached his car. "Oh I don't know, I'll need to check Murphy's schedule." Johnny chuckled before waiting for a serious answer, "how about I treat you to lunch next week seeing as I scarpered these plans?" "That sounds nice doll but it will be my treat." Lexie rolled her eyes, he hadn't even let her pay for one coffee yet since they had known each other. "Fine, but then the next one is on me." "Ok deal!" Johnny said smiling. At least he knew she wanted to hang with him more and wasn't affected with what was being said about him.

After making a lot of fuss over the dog, and hugging Lexie goodbye, before leaving a gentle kiss on her cheek the Hollywood icon departed in his car. When Lexie began walking home her phone rang it was her best friend Kate.

"Hey Lex, how's you?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Yeah all good here. Listen my boss let us go early. Fancy a drink?"
"Sure thing. I've got Murphy though, let me swing home see if the builders are done, and I'll meet you at The Bear, say 4:30?"
"That's literally twenty mins, will you have enough time? Where are you?"
"Just walking back from the park."
"Sure ok. See you shortly."
"Sure thing. Love ya!"

The Bear was a pub that had been around forever, Lexie's family weren't massive pub people however they socialised in there a lot throughout Lexie's childhood and had gotten to know the owners and staff fairly well which was handy with Lexie, and her father being famous. It made them feel as normal as they could doing normal things like going to the pub.

Lexie quickly dropped Murphy at home, he was pooped after his extra long walk today. She admired the work the builders had finished, quickly freshened up and headed back out.

As she arrived at the pub she spotted her best friend with two glasses of wine sat on their usual table. They hugged and greeted one another before getting comfy. Just as Kate was about to speak Lexie's phone went off. She checked it and it was a text from Johnny.

Thank you for one of the most joyous normal days I've had in a long time. Anytime you need a dog walking buddy please let me know. How about lunch on Tuesday? Xx

You're most welcome. Thank you for keeping Murphy and I company. Lunch on Tuesday sounds wonderful. Let me know where. Xx

Ok doll. Will do. Enjoy your weekend xxx

Lexie was smiling at her phone when her friend interrupted  "LEX?! Hello??" "Sorry, sorry. I'm here." The actress put her phone back down on the table and began a conversation.

A few hours later they were joined by Kate's husband Jamie, Emily, her husband Max, and had text a few others to join them. As Lexie returned from the bar with a fresh round of drinks she saw her two friends smirking. "Go on.. share the joke." "No it's nothing don't worry." "It can't be nothing with your faces like that..." "ok fine. It seems Harry has finally moved on.." Emily held out her phone of a Daily Mail article showing him sneaking into a hotel the night prior with some young leggy blonde. "Ha, you say that. He called me today and left ANOTHER voicemail." "You mean you didn't answer it telling him what for?" Asked Max making the girls giggle. "No I didn't I was busy, walking the dog." Lexie held out her phone and played the voicemail from her desperate ex for her friends to hear. "Jesus he's really not giving men a good name is he?" Asked Jamie taking a sip of beer. "Who fucking cares anyway, I just wish he would get the message you know?" Lexie smiled sipping her wine. "So the boys are off tomorrow on that golf thing. Back Sunday, wanna go out?" Emily asked. "Out?" Lexie questioned. "Yeah, it's been ages since we've been out for drinks?" Kate said as both Lexie and Emily looked down at the table full of alcoholic beverages. "Ok.. how about we go to that new bar in Chelsea? I've been invited a number of times." "Yeah let's do that! I'll text the girls."
Later that night, Kate and Jamie walked Lexie back home, they only lived a few roads behind her and always wanted to keep their friend safe. She was greeted by Murphy and quickly fussed over him before heading up to bed after a wonderful day.

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