Chapter Seventeen

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It was early October and that meant one thing, it was Lexie's birthday. The 5th October was rapidly approaching, in fact it was the very next day and true to their word Lexie's closest friends were due to all come over this evening to help her celebrate and then stay the night for brunch and mimosas in the morning. She had just finished in the studio and was in the back of the car heading home when her phone pinged.

My daughter was awake at 6:30am this morning blaring your BREAKOUT album.. the musician in me is extremely impressed by your work, the 43 year old me is kindly asking for less rock and roll/pop stuff on your next one. What happened to nice slow ballads? Xx

Ha! Don't blame me! I was rebelling from the corporate kids channel angel typecast. Your daughter has great taste, I have always had a soft spot for that album. As for slow ballads, I'll put in a request! Xx

I don't doubt her taste. She knows talent when she sees it, she's a smart 12 year old. I'll happily play on any ballad you are recording just to get the thing released. Xx

Well that is extremely kind of you, thank you! Xx

Lexie and Johnny had pretty much been in constant contact since they returned from their film shoot in Venice. They had met multiple times for lunches, dog walks, coffee dates, Johnny had been over to Lexie's twice to jam out in her studio before he headed back to America to be with his children in LA.

As the car pulled up to Lexie's house she spotted some paparazzi hanging around, she knew they had been spotted a few times together and it caused ripples but nothing they couldn't handle, after all what was wrong with two colleagues hanging out? She also knew there was a lot being written about her ex so the press were hounding her for that too. The car pulled into the drive and she jumped out, spotting balloons and banners on the front door, she then saw her friends come out with glasses of fizz cheering her arrival.

She hugged and greeted her friends before being ushered into her house that was full of balloons and birthday decor. "We've got dinner on order, it's due to arrive in an hour." Said Kate. "Amazing, thank you so much girls!" The group all sat down and began listening to music and having drinks.

Meanwhile in LA, Johnny had just arrived at close friend Alice Cooper's house. "Hey man. Come on in." "Thanks bud. How are you doing?" "Yeah I'm good, nothing much to report." "Can I get you anything?" "Just coffee. Thanks." The two legends sat on the couch catching up, "So what's the latest with legal?" "She keeps appealing, it keeps getting rejected. I'll take her to court if it's the last fucking thing I do." "Well we are with you every step of the way, is there anything I or Sheryl can do?" "No, there is nothing anyone can do unless you have a Time Machine?" "Ha, I wish. How are the kids taking it?" "They are doing ok. I just can't believe I wasted so much of their childhood with her. I know Ness and I didn't work out in the end for various reasons but even so, I could have made such a better choice than that fucking woman. I just hope they'll forgive me." "Kids are more resilient than you think, don't stress too much." Alice's wife Sheryl then arrived home from her day and greeted Johnny. "How are you Sheryl?" "I'm good, sorry I wasn't here when you arrived I was having lunch with a friend." "Don't be silly, you're here now. How was lunch?" Johnny asked politely. "It was good thanks. A friend of mine, her divorce had just been finalised. She's a little broken right now, in fact she's your age Johnny " "I appreciate the offer Sheryl I really do but I'm good." "Hey you can't stay single forever?" Alice said nudging his pal, "I can." "Don't you ever want to find love again?" "I'm really ok for now, my focus needs to be getting the truth out and ensuring the kids are ok." "I understand but one day, the kids will be all grown up, you don't want to be alone then, surely a special somebody will come along?" At that moment Johnny couldn't understand why he immediately thought of Lexie. Maybe because she was special, not necessarily in the way the Cooper's were describing but in a way that made him feel like he had a genuine new friend?

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