Chapter Fifty Six

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As they entered the presidential suite, Johnny closed the door behind them and locked it. He yanked his tie off and threw it on the couch alongside his suit jacket. Lexie discarded her clutch bag on a nearby console table as she began to take out the large diamond earrings she had been loaned by a famous Italian jeweller for the premiere. Johnny approached from behind kissing her exposed neck, shoulders, and down her spine that was mainly on show thanks to the dress. He found a discreet looking zipper and slowly undid it, then he hooked his fingers under the straps sitting on her shoulders letting them fall. Slowly with little encouragement Lexie's dress pooled round her feet. He took her hand and helped her out of it. She slowly turned just stood in her heels and his eyes widened. "My god, you're exquisite, I'm a lucky fucker." He stepped closer cupping her face and kissed her passionately. His tongue invaded her mouth as she began unbuttoning his tailored shirt, and pushing it off his body. Next to go was his belt, she managed to undo his suit trousers before he scooped her up and carried her towards the bedroom. Her legs wrapped round his waist, and she kicked off her heels along the way. Johnny laid Lexie down in the middle of the huge bed that had already been turned down by hotel staff and shimmied out his trousers and shoes. He hovered over her kissing her "God I want you." He mumbled against her skin "Take me. However you want. Make me yours." She whispered making him smirk. Johnny managed to kiss down her jaw, neck and torso before landing where he wanted to be, between her thighs. "Johnny... you don't need to." She said gasping for breath already. "I want to. My god I want to. It gives me great pleasure making you feel good." Lexie didn't refuse and let him continue as he peppered her inner thighs with kisses, her hands got lost in his hair as she desperately tried to move her hips into position. Johnny who was as equally turned on already, did his best to slow things down and tease her more than he cared to admit. Finally he gave in, teasing her with his fingers and tongue, driving her wild.

"Fuuuck." She moaned out making him smirk. "Johnny, don't stop." He didn't plan to and already knew what he needed to do in order for her to reach the high. He used his tongue and fingers in a way that had her wriggling within seconds. He continued his actions with his fingers whilst kissing down her neck and settling on her chest. Although she was a petite woman she had been blessed in that area and Johnny adored paying it a lot of attention. Usually with open mouthed sloppy kisses and tonight was no different. As she gasped for breath, a smug Johnny climbed back over her body smirking. "Now that was a fine dessert." He whispered quietly peppering her face and neck with kisses. Lexie grabbed his face pulling him in for a passionate kiss before rolling them over. After some serious heavy petting, Johnny couldn't take much more and guided himself into her. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he slowly began to thrust. She did little to stop him as she rode him hard. "Jesus doll, you'll kill me." He smirked between breaths resulting in Lexie now feeling very smug too. Her hands rested on his chest to support herself, she slowly began to unravel around him. His fingers teased her relentlessly making her moan out loudly sending him over the edge with a curse word or two.

The pair fell asleep tangled with one another in the early hours and were abruptly woken by Lexie's phone ringing loudly.
"Hello." She grumbled with her face still half in the pillow, Johnny's arm was round her naked body as she held the phone lazily to her ear.
"Lexie. It's 9am."
"Kate. What do you want?"
"Babe, hair and make up have been in the lobby for over half an hour. I've been banging on the door trying to wake you both."
"FUCK" Lexie sat up and shouted down the phone realising her mistake of not setting an alarm. "I'll be right there." She hung up the phone and nudged Johnny "Wake up!! We overslept. We are gonna be so late for press!" The man in question merely pulled the sheets up over his body and rolled over. "Johnny come on!" Lexie jumped out of bed and noticed the disheveled state of the room, she grabbed a robe, quickly wrapped it round herself and headed into the living room of the suite. It was equally as messy with her dress and shoes scattered over the floor and parts of Johnny's suit from the night prior. She didn't have time to clear up as she heard a knock on the door. She quickly opened it and found Kate stood there looking stressed, and let her in. Gina quickly rushed up the corridor into the suite too "Are you now on full Johnny time too?" She giggled before stopping in her tracks seeing the suite. Kate was trying to hide a smirk but failed miserably. "Can we maybe get the teams up here in say 15?" Lexie said blushing. The women in front of her nodded before Kate decided to help her best friend out rushing round grabbing the clothing from the night prior as Gina began making coffee. "Quite the after party you two had last night then?" Kate smirked. Lexie bit her lip and shrugged "He won't get out of bed even though I told him we are late." "Yeah that sounds about right" Gina said giggling. "Want me to try?" Lexie nodded as she picked up her heels and led Gina into the bedroom. "John! Wake up." She said sternly putting a mug of coffee down. "Oh fuck me. What are you doing here?" He groaned into the pillow. "John in all seriousness you've got to get a move on. You've got press all day and that party event tonight. We have no time to be running late." "Gina please fuck off." Johnny said half heartedly before slowly sitting up pushing his hair out his face. Lexie ran into the en suite grabbing her skin care and doing what she could to tidy up before Johnny said "Morning beautiful." This made her smile but she was extremely flustered at the prospect of being late to notice the compliment. "Johnny we really have to get going." She said sweetly. "Ok ok I'll get up." "Oh so you'll do it for her but not me?" Gina said jokingly. "Darling, I appreciate everything you both do. I promise I'll be on time today." Gina smiled and left the room.

Much later on, Johnny, Lexie and Paul were sat at a press conference answering questions from journalists about the film and their experience of shooting a movie in Italy. The three of them were extremely complimentary of the country, and had a giggle with various members of the press. Kate was stood to the side with Gina. "How are you finding your new job?" The latter asked sweetly. "I love it. I just hope she's not giving me this role out of pity. I really want to work hard for her you know?" "Oh absolutely, when J asked me to run his social media stuff I was kinda on the fence, how could I take a job from a friend but then you have to remember we know them best so it works well." "Yeah I guess so, like now I know she's extremely frustrated with that journalist two rows back. She's playing with her hair and tucking it behind her ear lots that's a proper tell she's uncomfortable." Gina nodded and smiled "See you're perfect for this job."

As the group got in the car to return to the hotel, Johnny lit a cigarette and held back a little "Doll?" "Yeah?" Lexie stopped and pushed her sunglasses onto her head to look at him. "How about I take you on a date tonight? It's been a lot of work and no play for a few weeks now." "Babe we have the party tonight. We can't bail, it's being thrown in our honour." "Oh fuck, yes ok. What about we swing by, we get seen and we sneak off?" "Sneak off? With your security in tow?" "I guess I could try to ditch them." "I don't want you risking your safety just so we can sneak off. Even I know how important they are now." He placed his cigarette in his mouth and wrapped his arms round her waist interlocking his fingers. "But I want to spend some proper time with you. Not just sat talking about the film or the poxy weather. I miss my girl." "I miss you too. But we have work." "Ok how about we go, we work tonight, then we have a late romantic supper somewhere." "Really?" "Yes. Just us. The guys can be discreet. I'll make sure of it." "Ok well in that case how can I say no? I would love to go on a date with you." He smiled taking out the cigarette and blowing smoke away before kissing his girl. They quickly climbed in the car and drove back to the hotel.

In their shared hotel suite, Lexie was lying on the couch with her back against the side, and her legs across Johnny's lap as Gina read out further upcoming schedules. "John are you even listening?"  Stephen asked from a nearby couch. Johnny was rolling cigarettes and had been since they arrived back. "Yeah yeah yeah. Fly to New York day after tomorrow. Walk the carpet, more press, then onto LA. Funnily enough this isn't my first rodeo." He said licking his cigarette and sealing it with his fingers. "LA gets hectic. We've got the legal teams to fly in but your schedule is TIGHT and I mean fucking tight. No slips ups John." "Yes ok.. I like how Kate isn't giving Lexie this much trouble." "Lexie isn't ever late and doesn't have the reputation in the industry of always being late and running on her own timezone." Gina said smirking. "Well let's hope her angel like behaviour starts to rub off on me then yes?" Johnny said before slowly moving his girlfriend's legs off him and heading to the balcony. "When do we have to leave for tonight Kate?" "Doors open at 7. We've said you guys will arrive between 8-9." "Ok.. so I've got some time. I'm gonna go have a bubble bath. I don't feel great." Lexie said standing and heading into the bedroom. "Do you need anything??" Kate asked her bestie. "No honest I'm good. Just go chill or do some emails or something." Kate smiled "I've done all the emails." "Then chill."

20 minutes later, Lexie was lying in an extravagantly large bubble bath when she heard a knock on the door. "Doll, are you ok?" Johnny poked his head in looking worried. "Yeah just a bit off colour." "Well let's cancel tonight." "No don't be silly. I'll be fine I'm probably just tired and stuff." "Ok well let me know if you need anything." "I will thank you." Johnny slipped off and made himself comfortable on the couch strumming his guitar. He was lost in his music, as his girlfriend came into the room dressed in just the hotel robe. "That sounds beautiful Johnny." She said startling him. "Ah it's just something Jeff sent over. I'm not sure on it." "I love it." "Well maybe I'll have to consider it." He said smirking placing his guitar down to the side, and pulling his girl onto his lap. "Can I tell you something cheesy?" He muttered "Of course." She said running her fingers though his hair "I can't believe you're mine." "How's that cheesy? I can't believe I'm your girl. You could have anyone you wanted." "I don't want anyone though, I want you." Lexie kissed his nose pulling back "Do you mean you can't believe we are here, like this?" She asked and he nodded "Me too." "You can go out and get any man you wanted, why me?" "Because you're you Johnny. You're an incredible guy." He blushed slightly before kissing her. "I've not had many people that think that highly of me before." Lexie ruffled his hair "Well you better start believing it Johnny."

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