Chapter Seventy

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"Lexie, this way!"
"Lexie are you expecting a big sentencing?"
"Mr Depp are you a witness in this case?"
"Can you comment on your injuries and what compensation you expect?"
"Lexie can you stop and answer our questions?"

A large group of press had gathered outside the court on Monday morning after finding out Lexie was due in court. She alongside Johnny, her parents and Kate arrived in a large blacked out SUV organised by Johnny's security, for once, Lexie hadn't argued when he had insisted on security and extra members too. They were guided into the building through the large masses of people and shown to a private room where she greeted her legal team. "Hi Claire, how are you?" "I am very well thank you, how are you doing?" "I'm ok thanks." "So I think we are planning to leave it to crown prosecution, we will jump in when we need to but it's fairly transparent what happened with the eye witness statements, the cctv footage and the coverage it got in the press. Any questions?" "No I think you've explained everything."

The first day in court went fairly smoothly. Lexie was uncomfortable at seeing her attacker but thanks to the calming presence of Johnny holding her hand she got through it. It was a fairly warm day even for July and Lexie ditched her blazer. As they left the court, she was walking down the corridor when Kate tapped her shoulder, she stopped and looked at her friend who discreetly moved her own handbag in front of her tummy, reminding Lexie to do the same. She smiled appreciatively as she adjusted her outfit and retook Johnny's hand before they stepped out to face the large group of press again.

"Lexie will you be attending court for Johnny?"
"Mr Depp when will your court battle start?"
"Lexie have you recovered from your injuries?"
"Mr Depp have you paid for Miss Donnington's legal fees?"

Arriving home Lexie was tired and feeling quite nauseous as she had all day. She kicked off her heels and ran upstairs to change out of her tailored dress. Johnny remained downstairs with Kate and The Donnington's. "Is she ok?" Lizzie asked. "I think so, I keep telling her she might have that severe morning sickness but she doesn't agree." Johnny replied. "She's throwing up all the time, and if she's not actually sick she always feels it." Kate said as she began going through some paperwork on the side table. "God, I hope it passes for her, she is so stubborn Johnny, I'm afraid she gets that from me, don't be afraid to tell her she's wrong though." Tom said chuckling. Johnny laughed before offering a cigarette to him and the men headed out to the garden.

The next day was very much the same, they arrived with plenty of time to the court and were greeted with even more paparazzi than the day before. They angered Lexie with what they were shouting. Johnny was merely there to support her and still he was getting a barrage of abuse for it, at some points she nearly shouted things back but didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

After a few hours in court, they broke for lunch, Lexie and her team returned to the private room they had been given, somebody ordered food in for lunch and they spent the hour trying to talk about anything but the man who had attacked Lexie. During that time, Johnny's phone rang and it was his own lawyers. He had a brief conversation with them before hanging up. "Looks like my date has been confirmed. April 11th. Fairfax, Virginia." He said seriously. Lexie's eyes widened. She knew his trial would be in April, it had been a long time coming but hearing the date made it feel so real, and also only 3 months after their baby was due. She couldn't believe that she would have a baby by then, her and Johnny would be parents, it blew her mind. She slowly stood and excused herself heading for the toilets that were close by. "I'll be back in a sec," she said to Kate handing her handbag to her best friend. "Ok."

Lexie made her way to the toilets and entered them, she did what she needed to do and headed to the sinks to wash her hands when the door opened. She looked up and resumed what she was doing and then had to look again. Not only had a man in a suit walked into the ladies, it wasn't just a random man.

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