Chapter Twelve

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How it was early September already confused Lexie, she felt like in a blink of an eye the year was passing by. She had spent the past week or so in a London recording studio with Gary and his team recording her album and was loving every second. As usual she had been spotted by the press at various points coming and going and as usual they printed the same old rubbish but she didn't let it get to her.

It was mid afternoon and they had been working for hours non stop when Gary and his Co producer Guy called for a break. Lexie pulled off the headphones and made her way out the sound booth collapsing on a nearby couch that her bag and jacket were residing on. She began chatting about trivial things to Gary whilst Guy made some coffee, and after a few minutes her phone went off alerting her of a pending message.

Hey Doll. JD here, I am back in London as of next week working with a buddy of mine. Wondered if you wanted to catch up? Completely understand if you're busy. Love and respect, JD x

Lexie smiled at the message, when they both departed Venice her and Johnny spoke about their upcoming fall plans and she had told him if he was ever in London he should drop her a message. She was glad he did but never in her wildest dreams did she think when she said it that he actually would.

Hi! Sure thing, sounds good, not sure when you're arriving but I'm free Friday? X

Friday works. Lunch? Xx

That sounds lovely. Want me to book somewhere or do you have a place in mind? Xx

I'll let you know a place x x

Great. Looking forward to it. Xx

Ditto. Xx

"What's got you all smiley?" Gary disturbed her thoughts. "What??" She said startled. "Oh umm nothing." "Right come on, drink your tea and let's get back on it. I do have four kids to get home to you know!" "Okayyyy" Lexie pretended to whinge but was glad of the distraction.

Later that evening, Lexie invited all her girlfriends over, most of their other halves were going to a big football match that was on and so it was the perfect opportunity for a girly catch up. The star made cocktails and nibbles and gave them out as they all arrived.
"Ahhh I'm so glad you're back now Lex. I've missed your wine collection." Said Louise. A bubbly blonde.
"Not as much as I've missed your wardrobe." Added Emily giggling. "Did anyone miss me for me? Or just my stuff?"
"No of course we did really miss you."
"Hmmm sure you did... by the way how's the new job  Kyla?"
"Yeah it's all good, the boss is a bit of a creep but it will do. We just need to save as much as we can for the house you know, who knew buying a project house with inheritance wouldn't be a good idea."
"What's new with you Lex?"
"Nothing really, working hard with Gary. Album should be released early next year. Bond is premiering in early March. Waiting on a release date for The Tourist."
"God you're always so busy! No wonder you're not getting any action."
"Emily!!" Lexie scolded her best friend.
"What? I'm just saying, it must have been a lonely summer."
Lexie rolled her eyes. "You know I don't just put out for anyone. It's got to be special therefore I'm more than happy to wait."
"That's good. You've been fucked over so much."
"Yes thank you.. I'm well aware I represent a real life Bridget Jones."
"You're not that bad."
"I'm pretty damn close."
"There's always this guy from New York."
"Emily!! No!! No blind dates."
"Ok fine..."

The following Wednesday, Johnny landed early morning in London and immediately got driven to his close friend Jeff Beck's house. When he pulled up, he jumped out the car and was shown in by Jeff's wife Sandra. "Hey Beautiful, how are you?" "I'm good, he's inside on the phone come on in." "Ahh it's so good to be back, thanks for having me." "Anytime Johnny, you're always welcome." "That's so kind of you." "So will you be staying for a while?" "Ummm I'm not sure, I'll stay out the way though." "Don't be silly, you could move in for all we care. How about we throw a little soirée for you this weekend, does Friday work?" "NO." Johnny said abruptly. "Sorry, I've just got something on for Friday and not sure how long it will last." He said sweetly. Jeff wandered out the sitting room and greeted his pal. "Oh yeah, sneaking off already are you?" The legendary guitar player said. "No I'm just catching up with a friend that's all."

Lexie was wrapping up at the studio later that day when her phone rang. It was her mum, she answered it as she climbed into the car that was driving her home.

"Hey Mumma"
"Hi Darling."
"How are you?"
"I'm all good sweetie, just checking in, how's your day been?"
"Yeah good, really productive actually. We smashed that song and got it finished."
"Ahh well done darling."
"Thanks, can't wait for you to hear it."
"So, what time do you want Murphy on Friday?"
"You said you would have Murphy on Friday, Daddy and I are on set all day."
"This Friday?"
"Oh fuck."
"Lexie, you said you were free."
"I know, I am, well I'm not but I'll make it work."
"Well he can be left for a few hours you know."
"Yeah I know Mum it's just I've got the guys coming in, they are finishing the living room."
"Oh I see, sorry darling."
"It's ok I'll sort something."
"Ok, can we drop him about 8:30?"
"Sure Mumma. I'll bring him back on Saturday?"
"Ok darling whatever works, thank you."
"No problem. Love you."
"Love you too Mum"

Lexie panicked, Johnny had invited her for lunch in his hotel suite how could she rock up with a dog? God he would think she was horrid for cancelling, especially this week with all the new headlines that had emerged. She quickly dropped a message in the girls group chat praying one of them was free to have Murphy for a few hours but no such luck. In the end once she was home and had got the last negative response from her friends she dropped Johnny a text.

Hey. Are you free to have a quick chat? Xx

Johnny's phone went off as he sat in the Beck's living room. His heart rate quickened. This sounded serious, and he was worried. He knew the headlines hadn't been good in recent days thanks to his ex wife, he hoped this had nothing to do with Lexie wanting to speak with him. "Would you excuse me?" He said to his hosts. "Sure thing." Jeff said. Johnny left the room and dialled Lexie's number as he climbed the stairs to the room he was staying in.
"Hey Doll, you wanted to chat?"
"Yeah, thanks for calling so quickly."
"No sweat."
"I hope I didn't disturb anything.."
"Lexie, it's fine, what can I do for you?"
"It's about lunch on Friday.."
Johnny's heart sunk, was this another person who now believed the tabloids and the lies his ex wife was spreading?
"what about it?"
"Umm well something has come up."
Johnny rolled his eyes, something? Couldn't she even be honest with him? He really did admire and respect her, he hoped she respected him enough to be truthful but then again she now thought he was a wife beater.
"It's just, I stupidly double, well triple booked. See, I agreed to look after my parent's dog, and normally it would be fine I would leave him at home to come see you but I've got builders refurbing my house and that wouldn't work." Lexie said nervously.
Johnny smiled, was she serious? He couldn't believe an incredible actress like her came up with such a lame excuse as a dog.
"So you're cancelling because of the dog?" He asked almost ticked off.
"Well not cancelling, I'm proposing something different, if it's ok with you?"
"Well obviously I would invite you here for lunch but I'll have no power and water for most of the day, so that won't work. I was gonna suggest as lame as it is, a dog walk and we can grab a coffee from another one of those coffee houses we went to in spring?"
Johnny smiled at the sweet gesture, she had been nervous he could tell to suggest it and he could hear her holding her breath awaiting his response, was he that unapproachable that she felt a dog walk would be not his thing?
"Doll that sounds great, I used to love having dogs. Shall I come straight to you?"
"Yeah come over whenever, and we can walk to the park nearby via the coffee shop."
"Sure thing. I'll text you."
"Ok, Johnny I really am sorry."
"Don't be. I'm looking forward to meeting the Donnington's dog!"
"I really appreciate it Johnny."
"Looking forward to it."

Lexie hung up and sighed with relief, she knew that Johnny must need a friend right now with everything going on so she was glad he accepted her new idea and change of plans. She decided that after the long day a bubble bath was in order and headed upstairs to her en suite.

Johnny returned to the sitting room "All ok?" Jeff asked. "Yeah all good just a change of plans on Friday, I'll be probably be back late Friday night if ok?" "Sure thing, we've told you before Johnny. Treat this place as if it's your own."

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