Chapter Ninety Nine

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"My goodness. My baby girl gets married this week." "Mum! You don't need to get emotional just yet." Lexie said from the couch of her parent's hotel suite. They had opted to sort their own accommodation for their stay claiming Johnny and Lexie had enough going on without hosting everyone at the town house. "I know I know, it's just a big moment and I'm sure when you're blessed with a child, you will feel the same way about their wedding." "I'm sure.." Lexie said smirking. "It was so nice of Johnny to invite Daddy to his final fitting with the suits." "Well I know he wants him to feel included and plus Dad needed to collect his anyway didn't he?"

In the large SUV on their way back to the hotel. Johnny, Jack, Stephen, Tom, Isaac and Johnny's father, John SNR were all making polite conversation. "So are you ready?" Stephen asked his friend. "Ready as I'll ever be." Johnny said confidently. "She's a fine girl, you raised a hell of a woman." John SNR said to Tom. "Well thank you, we think so." "Dad, Stephen says I can't come to the bachelor party" Jack whined from the back where he was sat next to a nervous looking Stephen. "Bachelor party?" Johnny asked. "Ummm yeah. Well it's kinda tradition mate, and besides so many of the guys are flying in we thought it would be good for you to at least have a drink with them?" Stephen said. "Lily is going to Lexie's!!" Jack whined again clearly put out he wasn't being included as one of the lads. "Lexie's?" Johnny asked again. "Gina is organising a girly drinks thing, she's had her main bachelorette.. sorry British Hen party, this is just kinda getting the gaggle of women together so that Gina, Kate, and Lizzie can delegate more jobs out I bet!" Stephen chuckled. "Ok well keep mine low key Stevie. Just a drink or two, not heavy, Tom doesn't drink and I want my son with me." Jack beamed. "YES!!!" "I can't get him into a casino." "Then bring the casino to us.." Johnny smirked.

On the Tuesday evening, Lexie was getting dressed for the evening. Kate, Emily and Gina had told her that with all the wedding prep and stress they were taking her out for dinner and a drink, but of course it was more than that she just didn't know it yet. Johnny was apparently being kept occupied by Stephen so she didn't have any qualms in leaving him. She donned a dark navy blue sequin, long sleeved mini dress, it didn't show much at all up top but it gave her legs for days. She donned new high heeled shoes and grabbed a small clutch bag. Johnny and Lexie were doing all they could to throw the press and public off the fact they were marrying so quickly, so the woman had been very careful with her outfit planning so that nobody suspected a thing. It helped that a lot of the tabloids were still speculating whether there would actually be a wedding after the Kate Moss scandal. As Lexie looked in the mirror she admired her outfit, to the unknown eye, it would just look like a group of women having dinner together. She had got to wear all her cliche white outfits at her hen weekend anyway only two weeks prior.

As she began to walk out the bedroom, Johnny appeared looking very dapper. He was wearing dress trousers on and a white shirt. "Woah... you look HOT." He said as he wrapped his arms round her waist. "I'm a lucky fucker." He said before capturing her lips with his. "Not as lucky as me." Lexie smirked pulling back. "What are you up to tonight?" "Oh you know.. boys night. Maybe trying to teach my boy the fine art of poker?" "Johnny!! He's 12!" "Yeah well I was doing a lot worse at 12, so don't panic" "God I don't even want to know!" Lexie giggled. "Anywhere where are you of too? I'm gonna need to send extra security with you looking that sexy." Lexie rolled her eyes. "I doubt it. It's just a quiet dinner. Me, Gina, Kate, Em, apparently Mum has plans!" Johnny nodded knowingly. "Well hurry home to me... 3 sleeps to go." He chuckled like a child. "Johnny Christmas isn't for another 3 weeks." Lexie winked before leaving the room and then running back to passionately kiss him.

Lexie walked into the sitting room to find Gina, Kate and Emily already waiting for her. "I told you I could have met you there." She said slipping her phone into her bag. "No, no, it's ok, it's easier for Travis if we all arrive together anyway." Gina said, earning a confused look from Lexie, surely less people worked better for security? She was handed a glass of champagne from her best friend who said "To you, Mrs Depp to be!" The girls clinked glasses and took sips of their drinks before gradually the boys joined them. "I thought this was a quiet night in?" Lexie said smiling when she saw all the guys begin to arrive in suits. "It is, but Jack wanted to throw Johnny a bachelor party and we all need to look the part." Stephen said when Jamie and Max walked in straightening their ties. "Babe.. where's Johnny?" Kate asked. "He'll be here don't panic, Jeez.... You look hot baby." Kate smiled liked a schoolgirl and wrapped her arms round her husband. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." "Hey guys!! Do you think you could get back to working on my future god child at a later date.... I've been promised a dinner out you know!" Lexie said giggling. "Who's baby making in my house?" Johnny said smirking as he entered the room looking incredibly handsome in nearly a full on tux. He quickly approached Lexie putting an arm round her. "The only baby making that needs to go on is me and you... after the wedding of course." He whispered before kissing her cheek making her smirk. "Come on lads.. into the back room. Ladies, have fun." He gave his wife to be one final passionate kiss, almost knocking her off her feet before herding the guys into another room.

Lexie slipped back into the house as quietly as possible, Lily-Rose was with her and immediately kicked off her shoes. "I had such a good time tonight thank you for helping organise it Lily." "You're welcome Lex, thank you for including me." "Anytime poppet. I had to have my best girl there right?" Lily smiled as they heard laughter coming from one of the reception rooms. The two girls made their way to said room and were delighted to see the guys sat round, some were smoking cigars, some were drinking, Lexie's father was concentrating hard on his poker hand whilst Jack hovered over his shoulder. "Fold." Stephen said placing his cards down. It appeared the game was left between Johnny, Travis, and Tom. "Yeah I'm out." Travis said smirking. "I'm not calling your soon to be father in law's bluff." Lexie lent against the doorframe smiling. She had seen her father play many times and admired his skill, Johnny looked up from the other side of the table and caught her eye, she smiled before nodding for him to continue. He carried on playing for a few minutes before giving in, his future wife stood looking incredibly delectably sexy in the corner of the room was too much of a distraction. He folded and allowed his father in law to take the glory. Jack was cheering and high-fiving Tom and Johnny didn't know whether to be pleased at their bond or insulted that he was happy at his loss. Eventually Lexie and Lily made themselves known and entered the room fully. The bride to be approached her future husband and kissed him sweetly "I wouldn't worry about it. Dad has always been good.. I'm sure you'll get him back at some stage." "I don't know what you mean, I'm not worried, I've got the best prize right here." He said kissing her passionately and dipping her low. This earned a lot of catcalls and cheers from his pals. Lexie found her feet again and blushed but giggled. "Just how much have you had to drink?" She smirked "Not a tonne, just a few. Y'know toasting my bachelorhood away and welcoming the next chapter." "Well we had lots of fun, we had a champagne dinner, and then cocktails, and even danced a little." Lily said interrupting her father. "That's good darling I'm glad..... hang on Champagne? Cocktails?" "She had a mouthful of my champagne, and they were generous enough to make her some mocktails... don't panic." Lexie said holding her hand up to her husband.

An hour or so later, the children had gone up to bed, and Lexie decided to leave Johnny with his pals, especially as it was his bachelor party. She didn't want to intrude, after ensuring everyone had a room to sleep in and that they had everything they needed she made her way up to the master bedroom and began to slowly get ready for bed, taking her time to undertake her skincare, and changing into a lace black slip before getting into bed.

A while later as she was just contemplating putting her book down, her husband entered, leaning against the doorframe in his suit trousers, a crisp white shirt, that was now unbuttoned down to his chest, and his bow tie was around his neck. He had a a small glass of whiskey that he was swirling. Johnny looked incredibly dapper, and Lexie struggled to refrain licking her lips. She continued to try and read but he was extremely distracting and in the end she marked her place and put the book down. "See... it's hard isn't it?" "Excuse me?" Lexie said sweetly. "When you're trying to concentrate and the love of your life just walks in looking fucking hot as hell... it's hard." Lexie smirked "Are you still bitter about the poker game?" "It felt like a Bond movie, you know where the sexy girl walks in to distract the guy." "I know.... But hey you have your own Bond girl right here." Johnny smirked and placed his glass on a nearby dresser. He sauntered over to the bed and sat down on her side. Her senses were filled with not only the sight of him but his signature scent, cigarettes, whiskey, and even a Cuban or two, all of that masked with Sauvage. "You still haven't claimed your prize..." she said quietly. "Oh you mean, the best prize of the century... you?" Lexie smiled. "I think I'll claim it right now... after all we are becoming man and wife on Friday." "It would be good practice..." Johnny's eyes widened when he saw what she was wearing. "Is this a taster for what I should expect on the honeymoon?" "Now Now Mr Depp... no spoilers."

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