Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

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"My goodness I feel so spoilt! Look at all this!" Lexie said coming down the stairs in the London home that she shared with Johnny and the children. "My god look at her! She's adorable! I'm so glad that outfit fits her Kate!" "Careful, that's her second outfit of the day. We don't have anything else to change her into!" The new mother said. Lexie didn't seem to care as she picked up the baby girl from her car seat "Hello sweet Nellie." Lexie kissed the now month old on the cheek gently. "Can I hold her!!??" Lily said rushing out the kitchen area where she had been chatting with Lizzie about Lexie's afternoon tea baby shower being held that day. "Sure darling just be careful she's only just been fed." Lily sat on the sofa and placed a muslin over her shoulder, and took the baby from her stepmother. "She's so adorable Kate!! I love her so much!" "Well that's good! It's good practice for when your little sibling comes along!" Kate said sitting beside the teenager. Johnny came out the home studio, "Well would you look at that.. what beautiful ladies." He said smirking. Johnny sat down next to his wife on the couch and kissed her cheek. "Look how cute Lily looks!" Lexie gushed. Johnny smiled proudly. "Very cute." "Dad. When the baby is born, I'll do everything but the diapers." Jack said from the other end of the sofa. "Well that's good to know!" Lexie giggled. "Trust me Jack once you've done one, you'll be fine." Kate said smirking. "Eewww no way, it's bad enough to know how babies are made let alone clean up after them." Jack replied. "I'm sorry?" Johnny said shocked. "The way babies are made." Lexie bit her lip, "Maybe we should talk about this another time." Johnny said sheepishly. "No no let's carry on.." Lily giggled. "I don't see what the big deal is myself." Jack continued. "So a man loves a woman, and boom they decide to have a baby, they do some kissing and voila baby in the tummy." Lexie nodded slowly before biting her lip once more and turning to her husband. "Johnny?" She questioned quietly. "Let's stick a pin in this for today bud. We'll talk more when we are alone." Jack's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and Lexie could tell that he wasn't done with his questions yet. Jack was observant, thoughtful, and often enjoyed debating and having difficult conversations at the age of 12 and a half.

"Is she ok?" Jamie said putting his phone in his pocket as he left the snug. "She's perfect, thanks babe." Kate said hugging him. "Right so I just need to change and then we are good to go!?" Kate nodded as Jamie excused himself and headed upstairs. Jack was beginning to descend the stairs as he got to the top. "Hey Uncle J, can't wait for today!!" The younger said to the elder. "Shhh pal.. it's a secret, but not for much longer." Johnny furrowed his eyebrows before continuing to fuss over his wife. "He loves working out with the guys now he's on sabbatical doesn't he?" Lexie said giggling. "I'll say. Jesus now he's working free lance for you J he has so much time on his hands." "Well he's a hard worker and he knows his stuff. Why not keep it in the family you know?" "Is Gina meeting us there?" Lexie asked her best friend. "Yes her and Em have gone on ahead." Lexie nodded and smiled before needing to rush off to use the bathroom once more. Being almost 8 months pregnant, was not always fun.

Eventually the group was ready, and all headed out to various cars. Lexie put on her heels at the last minute much to Johnny's disgust. "Babe, they aren't even that high.." she smirked as he grabbed his camera and headed out to the drive way ensuring his daughter was in the car safely whilst Lexie grabbed her bag. "Babe... look at me a minute." He said with a chuckle, Lexie knew her husband too well and blushed as he snapped away.

" He said with a chuckle, Lexie knew her husband too well and blushed as he snapped away

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"You're glowing." He said as he placed the camera back round his neck, "I don't feel like it, she said giggling before spinning and grabbing a coat, although it was late September, and not quite autumn yet in London, the weather had definitely turned. He snapped another photo as she descended the steps of their house. "Johnny. I'm going to be late. Stop!" She giggled once more. "Ok ok.. have a wonderful time. Enjoy every moment my darling." He said kissing her passionately, before being interrupted by the arrival of Stephen. "Right boys day starts right now!" Jamie said loudly appearing in the doorway. Eventually Johnny let his wife go, and she elegantly climbed into the car before being whisked off.

Johnny had been surprised with a boys day, all organised by his father in law, his son, Stephen, Jamie, Max and soon Alice, Joe and Tommy arrived too. Their wives were all at some exclusive hotel in London having a luxurious afternoon tea to celebrate Lexie and their upcoming baby.

"Ladies, you really shouldn't have got us any gifts! We agreed charity donations!"
"We know!! But we couldn't help wanting to spoil you and the baby!" Kate said giggling from opposite her. She was feeding Nellie discreetly.
"Ok.. first things first. I just want to raise a glass to my wonderful daughter, my amazing son in law, Lily-Rose, Jack and my unborn grandchild." Said Lizzie proudly. Everyone raised their champagne flutes that were full of non alcoholic beverages and joined in with the toast. "Lex open presents!!" Lily said giggling handing a gift bag over. "Oh my god, look at this!" Lexie said unwrapping a neutral baby outfit, it seemed like it was tiny but holding it up to her bump she was confused as to how her baby would fit into it.  The group were sipping tea, and enjoying sweet treats, when Isla jumped up and rushed to besides Lexie. "Hello baby!!" She said loudly into her large tummy. "Baby not talk back yet?" She questioned making the adults smile. "Hello hello hello" she repeated before Lexie brushed her curls and Lily scooped her up onto her lap. "We can teach the baby all sorts, don't you worry." The teenager said. "If it's a girl that is. If it's a boy, we might need to recruit Jack."

After a while of opening gifts, she excused herself to the ladies. Travis was sat on a nearby bar stall and stood as she wandered past. "Trav, I just need to pee I'll be fine." He nodded and continued sipping his drink and scrolling on his phone. He had already spotted where the toilets were, outside the orangery bar they were sat in and down the corridor.

Lexie made her way to the toilets, and entered. They were extremely glam and chic, exactly what you would expect in a top London hotel. She looked in the mirror as she washed her hands, her beautiful wedding rings gleamed and caught her eye. How had she got this lucky? She felt like an imposter in this life, a wonderful career, an incredible husband, two amazing stepchildren and her own child on the way, the thought made her smile, and even a tad emotional.

As she left the toilets she was grabbed from behind. She struggled in the person's arms and got forcefully turned to face her attacker. It was Harry and he pulled a knife from his jacket pocket holding it extremely close to her body.

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