One Hundred and Thirty Six

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"Doctor, it's been 6 days since the operation, why hasn't he woken?" "I'm sorry Mrs Depp but it's the same answer. Mr Depp's body suffered immense trauma. He will wake when he's ready." Lexie sighed. "I'm sorry I just have three very inpatient children who want their father back." "I appreciate that, and you're doing the right things, talking to him, playing music, all will trigger the brain to begin working again in some way." The woman nodded before the Doctor left the room.

"Darling, you look exhausted. Why not go get some rest? I'm sure Christi or Gina won't mind keeping an eye on the baby for a few hours." John SNR said quietly. "I can't leave him. I won't leave him." Lexie repeated standing holding her husband's hand. "If he's not woken by now, I bet he will give you a few hours respite. He would want you to be taking care of yourself, not just everyone else." "John please don't make me leave him." "I wouldn't dream of making you do anything love, I just want to take care of my boy's girl and that grandbaby." He said nudging his head towards the pram. "I'll give it a few more hours." Lexie said re sitting in her seat.

"Tell me what Johnny was like as a boy... I hope James is just like him." "Careful what you wish for.. he was and has always been a charmer. His handsome eyes got him off Scott free but he was a little troublemaker. That being said he probably didn't have the best childhood. By the time he was a teenager he paid more attention to his guitar than school and that's the way it's always been." Lexie smiled. "He's an incredible player. "I wish I could take the credit. He taught himself everything he knows." "I miss him so much." Lexie said wiping tears from her eyes before looking at her father in law. "I'm sorry." She continued. "Don't be. It's natural. The love you two share is rare. Never let go of it." Lexie nodded. "That's why I know for a fact he wouldn't want you killing your self to be here every second. It's ok to admit that you've got a lot on. The house. The kids, James. You've got enough people around you that we would never leave him alone if that's what you didn't want." Lexie nodded biting her lip. "James could do with getting away from here I guess." "Yes he could, and so could you." "Ok fine. But if anything changes I'm coming straight back." "Of course darling, I wouldn't stand in your way."

"Honestly Mum, I just want some time here with the kids. Thank you for taking over, but go home, get some rest." "Darling I don't mind staying. Your father will be back soon from work anyway." "No honest it's ok. We are going to all have early nights anyway. I promised the children if they got their work to Hilary before bed that they could come with me to the hospital in the morning." "Ok well if you're sure. Call me anytime if you need anything ok?" "I promise. Love you." "Love you too darling." The mother kissed her daughter and walked out the front door. Press had gathered outside the driveway gates and snapped photos of the moment before Lexie slammed the door shut. The noise startled James waking him up and making him scream. Lexie sighed how could she have been so careless when it took her over an hour to get him to sleep? She walked over to the Moses basket and picked up her son, she rocked him and hushed him, doing her best to comfort him. Just as she sat on the sofa, Jack yelled down the stairs "Lexie!!!! The internet is down!! I can't finish my essay!!" Lexie closed her eyes and counted to three. "Ok hang on..." she got up and carried James into the office. It had fast become Johnny's base in London and was full of his trinkets and accessories. She used to be so independent before she met him but he had always taken such good care of her that she had relinquished some control. In her tired state she could barely remember where the router was until she spotted it in the corner. She saw the standard lights all flashing but one was red. "Fucking brilliant." She muttered turning it off at the wall and on again. That was the extent of her technical knowledge. "Try now!!" She yelled up the stairs. "Nope!!! Nothing!!!" "I'm not sure then Jack." She said loudly as the boy came to the top of the stairs. "Now what do I do?? We've already had an extension on this work. She will flip out if we don't submit it!!" "It's ok I'll speak with her. Don't worry. Are you hungry??" "Always!!" "Go get your sister I'll start dinner."

After putting something fairly easy in the oven she dropped her father in law a text.

Any change? Xx

The phone immediately rang and she rushed to answer.

"What? What is it? Is he ok? Did he wake?!" She said panicked.
"He's fine. Nothing has changed. I just hate texting and don't know how to do it."
Lexie sighed. "Oh ok.. sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Are you resting yet?"
"I'm cooking the kids dinner."
"Could you have not got takeout?"
"I've not cooked them a home cooked meal in over a week, they need nutrition."
"I'm sure they can have exceptions given the circumstances."
"I know I know, you're wonderfully good at taking care of them."
"Thank you." Lexie said sweetly.
"Now go and get some rest woman."
Their conversation was struck short when James began screaming an ear piercing scream.
"Talk to you later love."
"Call me as soon..."
"As anything changes yes we will."

Lexie rocked James once again. His cheeks were flushed and it looked like he was teething. It was a little early but she had read it could happen, she did her best to soothe him but it did little to calm him.

Lily-Rose and Jack came down the stairs and could smell burning. "What's that?" Lily said scrunching her nose. "Fuck!" Lexie said shooting up from the couch where she was finally nursing a distressed James. "Your dinner!!" She rushed into the kitchen and opened the oven. The three small pies were looking slightly well done. One was completely burnt to a crisp. Binning that one, she served the other two for the children with the vegetables that she had roasted and put the plates on the dining table for the children. She sat and watched them eat, whilst trying to make small talk. Sadly the conversation continued to constantly come back round to wanting to talk about their father. "Aren't you eating Lex?" Jack asked and she shook her head. "No I'll grab something later don't worry." "I can make something for you?" Lily asked. "No it's ok I'll be fine. Thank you darling."

Hours later inbetween dealing with a very grouchy 9 week old baby she had finally got the two elder children settled in their rooms with a promise they could visit their father first thing, she then headed into her bedroom. It felt alien, it had been hers and Johnny's room for a while now, and now it felt empty without him. After she placed James in the Moses basket, she noticed everything was exactly how he had left it, and she felt her eyes pool with tears as she sat on his side of the bed. She ran her hand over his pillow, over his trinkets on the beside before allowing her body to relent to sobs. She cried and cried and cried, her body finally giving in after being courageous for so long. She fell into his pillow and could smell his familiar strong scent. It over took her senses as she eventually passed out from exhaustion.

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