Chapter Eighty Three

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"Ok darling. I'm on my way to the airfield now."
"Johnny, you don't need to fly over I'm sure I'll be fine."
"I do need to, I need to be with you."
"Ok. I can't wait to see you."
"God I just want to hold you."
"Me too. Are the children ok?"
"Yeah they are good, I've just left Vanessa's, they are off school today and I told Ness to keep it low key this weekend and we will figure out next week."
"Ok. I can't wait to see them."
"They miss you too sweetness."
"What time is your flight?"
"Hopefully should have clearance just after midday hopefully."
"Ok, so you'll land at 8ish in the morning?"
"Yes I should be with you first thing."
"Ok. I love you Johnny."
"I love you too my darling."

Lexie was texting Johnny into the early hours. Luckily he had WiFi on the private plane and could keep in touch with his girl. Finally she must have drifted off as he didn't get a response. He was lying on the make shift bed staring at the ceiling of the plane. He could hear Sean and Travis both snoring. He wished he could switch off but his mind was whirring. He had no idea what would greet him when he landed in London. He grabbed his phone again and looked at the screensaver. It was the same photo the kids had gifted to Lexie for her birthday, such a happy fun photograph. She was pregnant at the time, and they had a whole new chapter ahead now they were back to doom and gloom. He opened WhatsApp and sent a message to Lexie

My darling, I hope you're asleep and resting. You need it. I just want to say that despite the anguish and pain, you are one of the greatest things in my life. I'm so sorry that this has happened to us. I hope you know how incredible you are and how adored you are. I can't wait to hold you in my arms, my life, my love. Xxxx

Lexie awoke early around 5:45am. She checked her phone and spotted Johnny's message amongst others.

I love you with all my being. Thank you for being mine. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Xxx

You're awake. How did you sleep? I've barely managed any. Xx

Not great, on and off. Just worrying about everything. Xx

I'll be there as soon as I physically can. Xx

I know you will. Thank you for always being my knight in shining armour. Xxx

A few hours later Lexie's phone rang

"Hey doll I'm 5 minutes away"
"Ok, there are so many photographers outside, you've given the driver the code right?"
"Yeah Sean has."
"Ok. See you soon."

A short while later, a car could be heard pulling up. Kate wandered to the front window and saw Johnny's vehicle being ambushed as it tried to make its way through Lexie's drive gates. As the vehicle was half way through the gates and still trying to navigate away from the paparazzi, Johnny jumped out the back and chucked his leather jacket over his head, looking down at the floor as Sean quickly followed, he rushed to the front door. The reporters shouted and screamed for his attention but he didn't dare trust himself to give a response as Kate rushed to the front door and opened it ushering Johnny, Sean and Travis in. Lexie was coming down the stairs and practically threw herself at her boyfriend. She began sobbing as soon as his arms were round her. He repeatedly kissed her head as he held back tears himself. "Oh my darling." He muttered as he pulled back and cupped her face. "I'll hunt down whoever did this if it's the last thing I do." Lexie wrapped him in a huge bone crushing hug again.

A while later, Lizzie had made coffee for everyone and the group were sat in the living area. Lexie hadn't left Johnny's side and was now safely tucked under his arm with her head on his chest as he sipped his coffee. "So what's the plan?" Tom said extremely concerned for his daughter and boyfriend. "YMU are still working on it, they've been in and dated with requests. Johnny's team have been in touch too. From now on we'll be responding jointly, it's too far gone to keep the briefs separate." Kate said. Sean piped up "I've called back up, we should have two CPO's on the gates within the hour. Travis, Mark and I will take it in turns to always be here as long as that's ok with you guys and we will take whatever shit is thrown at us." Lexie nodded. "You can all stay if you want. I've got plenty of room." "Em, are you not going to work?" Kate asked. "Nope my boss told me to take today because apparently all the office are gossiping about me like mad so better to be safe than sorry, I wouldn't want to loose my shit and make the situation worse. I can go home though Lex?" "No don't be silly. Stay." She replied to her friend. "Honestly I wanna kill the fucker who's done this. Surely this isn't allowed? They've leaked her fucking private records." Tom said angrily standing up. "Tom!" Lizzie said standing to comfort her husband. "How can I stay calm Lizzie? They are out there now fucking discussing her therapy, her medication, Jesus I even saw online them discussing the fucking pill she was on." He said angrily heading into the kitchen area pulling out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. "John? Fancy some fresh air?" He turned to his daughter's boyfriend. Johnny looked up "Do you mind doll?" Lexie moved and shook her head as Johnny stood, "it's hardly fresh air Tom!" Lizzie said mocking. "It will make me feel a whole lot better though." The two men entered the garden shutting the door behind them.

Later that day, Johnny had FaceTimed the kids to check in on them and Lexie was pleased to see they were doing ok, she worried about their welfare with everything going on. They had already been put through so much and she hated that she was partly responsible for more anguish and distress. Johnny wrapped his arms round her after they had hung up. "Hear me out... but do you think we should spin this?" "Spin it? How?" "Well there must be plenty of people who have gone through what we have. Maybe we should speak up, tell them they aren't the only ones you know?" Lexie smiled slightly. "You mean turn it into a good thing, help others?" "Exactly that, let's take it back from the press, let's own our story." "I agree, but how?" "There must be charities we can approach or speak with? We can promote seeking help, advice, guidance, especially after how badly it affected us?" Lexie nodded slowly coming to terms with the idea. "Yes I think you're right, even if it helps just one person, we would have done the right thing." "Exactly." "What about the story that's emerging that Harry was responsible?" "Look that incident happened more than two weeks before you miscarried, we were told categorically that your slip didn't cause it, as much as I hate the fucker I don't think he should be tarnished with that accusation." "So should I address it?" "Do you want to?" "Yes I agree with you, he shouldn't have to carry that burden, even if it's just some sleezy magazine running the story." "Ok, I'll speak with Nicola and you speak with Kate, let's see if we can get a charity from both sides of the Atlantic to work with us on this."

Lexie felt more content climbing into bed with Johnny, but both of them were still rather emotional, he held her for hours as they both laid in silence. The peace only ever interrupted to reassure one another or inform the other how loved they were. By 2am they were still awake and began discussing trivial things as well as anything but the large elephant in the room.

The next morning after another restless night's sleep, Johnny and Lexie woke up early to jump on Teams calls with a British based charity. They wanted to discuss their story and the best way to tell it, but also to help anyone else going through it.

Later in the day they did the same with an American charity, and were happy with the advice given. Both Johnny and Lexie were happier with how this was playing out. All they wanted to do was move on from all the pain, so helping anyone else that was or is going through it seemed the best solution. 

By the evening, they had drafted a joint statement and were even discussing joining a panel workshop in January about Infant Loss and Miscarriage due to be held in London. Things were looking up for them.

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