Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three

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"He's been in there hours... how long is this going to take?" Lexie said mainly to herself. "We're gonna go grab you some coffee Lex." Gina said as her and her husband stood and left the room. James was asleep in the pram thankfully and Travis was pacing the small waiting room. "I should go check on Sean soon, they said if they could they would let him go this evening." Lexie nodded. "Do you want me to go and see if I can find out anything?" Mark asked. "We can't leave her alone." Travis hissed. "I'll be fine I'm in a hospital what's the worst that can happen?" Lexie said throwing her head back. "Nope protocol remains. Mark you go and get an update. When you're back I'll find Sean." Travis said sternly. The man left the room and Travis sat back down next to Lexie. "Will you tell me the truth Trav?" The man looked at her shocked, "I don't know what you mean." He replied simply. "Did somebody do this on purpose?" Lexie asked quietly. The man took a deep sigh, closed his eyes and then opened them again. "We think so..." he paused. "There's not enough evidence gathered yet but it all points to be intentional." Lexie began to cry once more and the man put his arm round her like a brother. "I promise we will make the fuckers pay." "Will he be ok?" Lexie asked quietly. "He's a fighter. He won't give up a battle lightly you know that." Lexie nodded.

An hour later, a shaken looking Sean arrived with Travis into the waiting room. "Oh Sean.." Lexie said standing and gently wrapping her arms around him. "I thought Travis would take you straight back home?" "No I wanna be here for the boss man." "Sean you've been through so much. Johnny would understand.. here sit down." Lexie said moving a bag off the comfiest looking chair. "Honestly I'm ok. I'm on strong pain relief, it's only muscular, bit of whiplash and bruising where I was thrown around a bit." Lexie's eyes widened. "Only.." she muttered scared for the head of security. James' cries broke the silence in the room as Lexie rushed to her baby's aid, she rocked him before realising he must be hungry, she grabbed a muslin, covered herself and began to feed the baby. Gina sat down beside her offering words of comfort, but all she could think about was who would want to hurt Johnny. As she went to ask Sean a question, her phone rang.

"Hi Mum.. yes we are ok. Still waiting. They've just this minute discharged Sean.... ok put her on."
Lexie waited a moment before the phone was passed to Lily. She was balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder as she supported James in her arms.
"Lex, is Daddy ok?"
"Darling he's still in surgery. I promised I would call as soon as I knew anything."
"I'm so scared.."
"Your Daddy is a fighter, he's not gonna let something like this keep him down. You watch, when he comes out of that theatre he will be barking orders, and don't forget he will want to see those essays too." Lexie said trying to lighten the mood.
"Can I come to the hospital. I'm sure your Dad or Lenny will give me a lift?"
"Darling it's getting late and it's not safe. We don't want to risk your safety do we? Your father would kill me."
"But James is there.."
"James has to be.. unless you're offering to play Mumma for a while?"
"Sweetie it's getting late, why not try and go get some rest. I promise I'll call my mum as soon as I know anything and get her to wake you."
"I won't be able to sleep."
"Just try darling."
"Ok.. if you promise."
"Of course I promise, I love you Lily"
"Love you more Lex.. and James, and Daddy."

An hour later, a nurse had arrived in the waiting room. "Mrs Depp.." "Yes" Lexie stood nervously rocking James. Stephen, Gina, Travis, Mark and Sean all stood around Lexie. "Your husband is out of surgery. Things were touch and go, but he made it, we've stopped the internal bleeding and assessed the brain damage. He's in an induced coma to protect himself for now. He should wake in his own time." Lexie let out a deep breath she hadn't realised she was holding. Silent tears fell down her cheeks, "Can I see him?" She managed to whisper, "Shortly yes. We are just making him comfortable." The group nodded before the nurse departed. Travis smiled "Told you he's a fighter, there's no way he was gonna let that be the end Lex." She nodded still incredibly nervous that if the presumption of the car crash not being an accident was correct that meant Johnny was still in danger. At least until they worked out who had caused it. "Travis we are going to need back up. I want somebody outside Johnny's room at all times. If not, two people guarding the hospital. Get somebody to the house too. Lenny can't do it on his own and take care of the children if something were to happen. Gina, can you call Christi and let her know, I need to call the children." Lexie put James back into his pram and tucked a blanket over him as she pulled out her phone. She updated her mother before Jack jumped on the line.

"Buddy, you're meant to be asleep."
"I heard the phone ring and Nanna's voice, I couldn't help it."
"Yeah. We chatted about it earlier, if James is going to call her Nanna, then Lily and I can too?"
Lexie silently cried more but tried to hold it together.  How had their perfect little family been dealt even more drama?
"Ok darling, well your father is out of surgery now ok, and I'm going to see him as soon as I can. I'll tell him you love him ok?"
"Thanks Lexie. I'll tell Lily."
"Please do darling, and well done."
"For what?"
"For being the man of the house whilst your Dad isn't around. I trust you." Lexie knew she had to be strong for the children, they needed stability and she also knew Jack liked feeling useful.
"I love you buddy now go get some sleep?"
"Ok. Love you too Lexie"

The woman hung up before facing Gina. "I should call Vanessa. What's the time in Sydney?" "I can do it." Stephen added. "Thank you but it should come from me don't you think? With Johnny incapacitated the children are now solely in my care. She will want to know they are ok." "Hun, she likes you, she loves you. I'm sure that will be the least of her worries." Gina replied. Lexie dialled the number and waited for an answer.

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