Chapter One Hundred and Six

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Johnny Depp and Lexie Donnington marry!

Mrs Depp The Third! Lexie Donnington becomes Johnny's latest bride!

Lexie Donnington Depp! Johnny and Lexie marry in France despite cheating rumours!

Hollywood Superstars Johnny Depp and Lexie Donnington have married after short engagement! Sources claim the wedding was a drug fuelled bash!

Lexie Donnington marries wife beater fiancé Johnny Depp in Paris!

"Oh for crying out loud. This is ridiculous!" Lexie said on the phone to Kate as the car pulled up outside Johnny's Parisian house. They had landed back a short while ago after their honeymoon and her best friend come assistant was reading out the latest headlines to her. "Sorry, we wanted to keep it from you but still two days after the statement articles are still gaining traction." "And what's the plan?" "Nothing. Once we change your name on your USA work visa then you can officially change your name everywhere other than that they'll call you whatever they want to call you." "Brilliant." Lexie said sarcastically. "By the way, I've dropped some of your gifts off to Gina, I didn't know if we would see you before Christmas Day." "You really didn't need to do that Kate." "Oh stop, we will stop spoiling you when you stop spoiling us ok?" The girls giggled before hanging up. The vehicle stopped outside Johnny's Parisian home and the couple climbed out. Before Lexie could even attempt to climb the few steps to the front door Johnny swept her off her feet. "I have to carry my new bride over the threshold right?" He chuckled as she squealed in his arms giggling. Sean and Travis both shook their heads chuckling following the pair into the house, Lexie had opted to rewear her chic white suit that she had wore to leave the chateau for their honeymoon, wanting to drag the bride feeling out that little longer. Chanel had spoilt her when it came to bridal outfits and she adored every look. Sean ran round the pair and opened the door and they entered the foyer, where there were large helium balloons, a big hamper full of goodies, a large bouquet of roses and champagne on ice. Johnny slowly put his wife down, "Wow, look at all this." Lexie smiled turning to look at Johnny. "Nothing to do with me darling." He looked sheepish. "Then who?" She said as they wandered further into the house towards the living room. "SURPRISE!!!" Lily-Rose and Jack jumped startling the new Mr and Mrs Depp. Lexie placed her hand over her heart before wrapping the two children in huge hugs, whilst Johnny was recovering from the shock, "Oh my god you guys we missed you so so much. What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow!!" Lexie gasped cupping both their faces and beaming. "We wanted to surprise you and hear all about it." Jack said excitedly. "Well not all of it..." Lily said sheepishly making Johnny smirk. "And Mama said we could come over, we hope that's ok." Lily said pulling Lexie into the sitting room where she was greeted by Vanessa and Samuel. "Congratulations." Vanessa said kissing Lexie on both cheeks before she moved towards Johnny. "Ah Merci beaucoup." Lexie said before greeting Samuel. "Ca Va?" "Ca Va Bien Beau Mariée." He replied with a chuckle. The group sat down and caught up before Vanessa and Samuel had to head off for dinner plans. The children were extremely excited to be reunited with their father and his new wife.

"We've got so much to do!" Lily exclaimed the following morning. The teenager was clad in her pyjamas sat in the kitchen whilst Lexie began making coffee. "I know!! I can't believe it's almost Christmas." "It's come round so so fast, I'm so excited though." "Me too, it's one of my favourite times of the year. "Have you got your secret Santa Lex?" "Yes I have... have you?" The girls giggled "Yes I have.. I bet Dad hasn't!" "Your father hasn't even sorted his actual Christmas presents yet!" Lily rolled her eyes before jumping down off the bar stall. "I need to go get ready!" "Ok darling and can you make sure your brother is awake?" "Lex I'm only one person..." "Well I've got your father to wake so we can swap if you want?" "No it's good I'll wake Jack!"

Much later in the day the Depp family had decorated for Christmas and all crowded into the sitting room where Johnny had lit a fire. Lexie was sat on the couch besides Johnny when she reached over to the snacks and nibbles she had put out as a graze board. She smelt the French cheese and it turned her tummy. She managed to hold it together before another whiff approached her and she grabbed some water to settle herself. After all it was rather warm in the room and she hadn't eaten much today. Johnny slung an arm round her before he continued his conversation with the children about his upcoming art release.

"So Dad, you're really gonna publish a print of me?" Lily asked. "Yes but not if you don't want me to?" "No I think it's great, I would like to see it when it's finished though." "Absolutely doll." The girl smiled before Jack asked "So are you an artist now?" "I don't know about that son I just am happy that the gallery wanted to do a show with my stuff." "You absolutely are. You've got a well known art gallery offering to show your work, you should be so proud" Lexie said snuggling into him. He kissed her head before Lily asked "When do you have to go back to work Lex?" "Well I have to leave France by the New Year, I've outstayed my welcome a little with my long stay and work visa. Plus I need to sort a lot of life stuff in London. All the wedding paperwork, changing my name legally and lawyer's meetings. Plus I have to be free for Paris fashion week right? I've got to see you make your debut for Chanel?" "You're coming?" "Darling I wouldn't miss it for the world your mother sent the show dates over. I've been invited to appear at London too so thought I would just stalk you and your Mama." "AMAZING." Jack smirked "Do I have to go to fashion week?" "You'll support your sister yes but if you think I'm gonna make you sit there looking at clothes all day every day for 6 weeks in cities around the world you've got another think coming." The group giggled before Jack decided on a festive movie to watch. Before the film got going Johnny offered to refill everyone's drinks "wine darling?" "Actually J, No thank you, I've hit it hard recently with the dinners out, the wedding and the honeymoon and with Christmas only a few days away I'm gonna take it easy for a while." Johnny nodded at his wife's sensible nature before he completed the task quickly. He re entered the room with a mug "I made you a chamomile." Lexie smiled "Darling that's so sweet thank you." Lily smiled and Jack noticed "What's up with you??" He asked "I wanna marry a man who treats me like that.." "what makes you tea?" "Not just the tea. The way he takes care of her. Don't you see how much he loves her?" Jack shrugged "We all love her she's great, all my friends fancy her too and her pancakes are insane." "Oh Jack you've got so much to learn."

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