02) delicate

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Everyone groaned as they all fell to the floor. Chaewon hissed as her chest harshly hit the hardwood surface. Not even a few seconds later, Sakura landed on her back. Kazuha and Eunchae landed right beside them.

"What the hell, Unnie?" Kazuha huffed as she stood up. Eunchae stood up as well and dusted imaginary dust from her clothes.

A cough interrupted the silence.

"Who are you, huh?"

The group turned around and saw a man. He was tall, dirty blonde, and foreign, and he looked to be in his early twenties. Pressed against the wall was a young woman, who was definitely around his age. She looked terrified, despite the smile she had on her face. The entire team could tell how nervous and fake it was.

"Oh, uhm... Sorry about that. We-" Chaewon didn't get a chance to finish when Yunjin cut her off.

"It was my fault, sorry. But if you don't mind me asking, could you be so kind as to let go of her?" She questioned, pointing at the girl caged in the man's arms. "I can easily see how scared she looks, she's literally shaking." Yunjin gestured to the girl's body. "And I can also see from a mile away that the way you're holding her wrists is gonna leave a bruise. So let her go, will you?"

Yunjin and the girl held brief eye contact, before the assassin looked back at the man, who scoffed.

"Why? She doesn't concern you, and neither does our business."

"Well... I'm pretty damn good at beating the shit out of pricks like you, and if I see you assaulting a woman, then yes, it does concern me, dipshit," Yunjin retorted.

The man, once again, scoffed. However, he reluctantly let go of the girl's wrist, pushing her towards the door, where the group was still standing. She tripped over her feet and fell to the ground, keeping her head down as she rubbed her wrist.

"Just go home, brat."

Chaewon looked at Sakura and nodded towards the man, who just stood there with a scowl. The eldest nodded and made her way to the man. All of sudden, the man was thrown over her shoulder and she was walking out of the room, smiling like a kid.

Chaewon let out a short laugh before she crouched down next to the frightened girl and examined her face. Her nose was red and unshed tears brimmed her red-rimmed eyes. Her hair was tussled, her clothes were disheveled, and her dainty hands were wrapped around her small figure. It broke something in Chaewon's heart, and she felt a sense of protectiveness overcome her.

"Are you okay, ma'am? Has he done this to you before?" She asked. The girl only reluctantly nodded, too afraid to use her voice.

Chaewon looked up at Kazuha, who crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. Slowly, Chaewon took the girl into her arms, embracing her with such care and delicacy that the comforting gesture only made the girl cry more as she gradually let her body relax.

The rest of the team made sure to stand a little far back, as to not make the young woman panic more. Chaewon looked down at the girl as she gently caressed her hair, fixing it in the process.

"Hey, it's all good now," Chaewon soothed, rubbing the girl's back. "My name is Kim Chaewon. What's yours?" She had this overwhelming urge to care for the young-looking girl.

By now, Sakura was back and standing with the rest of the girls.

The young dancer looked up at all of them with gentle eyes, "My- My name is Ha Wooryeong. It's nice to meet you all. Thank you. Thank you so, so much."

Wow, Yunjin thought to herself as she stared at the girl. Wooryeong. Her voice is so... soft.

Kazuha stepped forward. "Hello, Wooryeong. I'm Nakamura Kazuha, nice to meet you." Kazuha outstretched her hand out towards Wooryeong, who, with the help of Chaewon, was now standing. Wooryeong timidly took her hand and shook it. Kazuha immediately found her endearing.

She then looked at the other girls. "You're up, guys." She chuckled as she moved to the side.

Eunchae was quick to approach Wooryeong.

The excitement in her smile made Wooryeong slightly nervous as she held onto Chaewon's shirt tightly.

"She just gets excited easily, don't worry. She's our social butterfly," Chaewon whispered in her ear.

Wooryeong nodded and gave Eunchae a small smile.

"Hi, my name is Eunchae, how are you? It's really nice to meet you." Eunchae laughed to herself as she grabbed Wooryeong's hand and shook it ecstatically. Once she let go, the other let out a sigh of relief, only to grow shocked as the maknae threw her arm around her shoulder. Eunchae turned so that the both of them were facing the other two members, who were shaking their heads at her excitement.

"My teammates are a little sluggish, so that's Sakura and Yunjin," Eunchae exclaimed, pointing at the two. Sakura playfully rolled her eyes as she punched the youngest in the shoulder.

Wooryeong and Yunjin held eye contact with each other, but the younger looked away and instead focused her attention on Sakura, who began to sign.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you, Wooryeong," the eldest signed. Chaewon stepped forward and began to translate, but Wooryeong cut her off with something they weren't expecting.

"She says h-"

"Likewise," Wooryeong signed as she grinned. Sakura's face lit up with joy as she smiled back just as bright.

"Wow. So you know KSL too?" Chaewon asked.

Wooryeong nodded and turned to her. "I do. Someone very dear to me was born deaf."

"Well," Yunjin spoke up, "I'm sad to say this, but we've gotta get out of here, guys."

Eunchae looked at her as if she had grown two heads. "Why? We literally just got here, like, fifteen minutes ago." The others nodded along to her statement.

Yunjin just sighed. "Because, for one, I just got a message from Namjoon. Boss wants us down at HQ. And two, a member of SM is in the room right across from us," she said.

Chaewon furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Sakura, the two of them already knowing what the other wanted to do.

It went quiet as they all looked at each other, until Wooryeong broke the silence.

"Uhm... If you don't mind me asking, where do you work?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Unfortunately, that's classified," Kazuha replied.

Wooryeong nodded slowly, confused. She watched as Chaewon whispered something in Yunjin's ear. When she was finished, she looked back at the dancer, who quickly looked away after being caught.

"Wooryeong," Chaewon called out, walking towards the aforementioned. The other girls stepped back to let the assassin do her thing.

"Y-Yes?" The younger stuttered.

Chaewon simply sat down next to Wooryeong and pulled the younger into her embrace, gently wrapping her arms around the other's shoulders and laying her head on top of hers. Once the two were situated, leaving Wooryeong severely confused, the older began to hum a soft melody in order to distract the dancer.

Wooryeong didn't notice the soft hand on her neck, yet confusion flashed across her face once more when a certain spot was suddenly pinched.

The girls watched closely as she instantly passed out.


future me on 2024.02.26: i changed that final scene since y'all were bullying it 💀

to be loved | huh yunjin ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ