21) more love confessions

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a/n: i present to you a chapter that we've all been waiting for lol



Mijoo backed up, scowling, before turning around and stomping to the front door, walking out, and slamming the door behind her.

We all sat-well, Yunjin and I stood-in a tense silence, before I sighed heavily and sat down on the couch.

"That was weird. Yunjin doesn't even seem like the type to have an ex..." I muttered.

Eunchae snickered.




fter Mijoo left, we all continued watching the movie to ease the tense atmosphere. But as we watched on, I couldn't help but keep thinking about Mijoo and Yunjin. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but a part of me was a little jealous.

I was only pulled from my thoughts when Kazuha laid on top of me.

"Wooryeong-unnie," she called out. I hummed. "We're all going to bed, okay? Wake up Yunjin-unnie whenever you turn in too," she said.

I nodded and kissed her forehead. "Okay. Goodnight."

With that, Kazuha got up and the girls retreated to their rooms. I turned to face Yunjin, who fell asleep in a sitting position. A fond smile graced my lips as I scooted closer to her, then laying my head on her shoulder. I chuckled when I felt her wake up and look around.

"Wooryeong..." she rasped out, "did everyone go to bed?" She questioned. I simply nodded, lifting my head to smile at her. "I think I'll stay up a little longer and watch another movie or something. Are you gonna turn in too?" She questioned again.

I grinned. "I'll stay up with you. A movie's always better with company, right?"

She smiled back and nodded in agreement. "Right."

We had been watching a legal drama for almost an hour now, and I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. After a few more minutes, I turned to face Yunjin and cuddled up to her.

"Tired?" She asked quietly. I didn't respond. I just nuzzled her neck with my nose. I heard her chuckle, and then she patted my head.

[a/n: idk abt you, but if i had a girlfriend, i'd totally be down for some head pats...]

"Wooryeong?" It wasn't long before I heard her call out to me. I hummed. "Can I tell you something?"

I lifted my head, looking up at her with half-lidded eyes, a tired smile winning my lips. "Yeah." I dragged out the syllable, causing Yunjin to let out a breathy chuckle.

After a few moments, she took a deep breath. "I like you," she whispered.

My eyes instantly flew open upon hearing her words. I was no longer feeling sleepy, my brain seemingly functioning at one hundred percent now-maybe more. Those three simple words had my heart racing, soaring high and hammering against my chest as if it wanted to escape its cage. Could she like me back like that?

But then my euphoria died out because of one simple fact; She probably means that she likes my presence. She just... likes me. Like a friend.

My face visibly deflated and I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. She immediately noticed and cupped my cheeks, a look of panic flashing across her face. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" She asked quickly.

I shook my head solemnly, and carefully removed her hands from my face. "No, Unnie." I looked into her eyes, a sad smile playing on my lips. "I'm just sad that you'll probably never like me in the way that I like you," I stated.

Now it was her turn for her eyes to widen comically. And then, she giggled. It was a beautiful sound. "Babo. The term might sound a little childish, but I meant that I like-like you. You know-as in girlfriend and girlfriend." I picked up on the underlying tone of relief in her voice.

And I felt an overwhelming amount of happiness flood my entire being. After what seemed like forever of having a seemingly hopeless crush on her, I felt a massive wave of relief, and I felt comforted to know that my feelings were actually reciprocated. It was slowly sinking in that we both like each other. We could become girlfriend and girlfriend.

The thought made me blush, and I tried to look down, but she cupped my jaw and tilted my head back up. Her thumb gently stroked my cheek. "Don't be shy around me," she muttered. "It's just me. Huh Yunjin. And I, Huh Yunjin, am very much crushing on you, Ha Wooryeong."

I giggled quietly, making her smile.

She spoke up again. "You know... I didn't even realize I had a crush on you until I talked to Chaewon-unnie a while ago. A week after the, uhm... incident at your school. God, when that happened, I was so worried." Yunjin took a moment to look up and blink away the tears that glossed her eyes. She sniffled. "And, uh, yeah, she helped me realize how I feel about a certain someone. And our Manchae gave me a pep talk and a lesson on how to confess to someone I like, since I've never done this before. Am I doing it right?" She asked.

I grinned widely and scooted closer to her. There was little space between us. "Don't worry. You're doing it perfectly." Her face lit up after my statement.

"So," she started, voice quiet. She whispered her next words. "Is this the part where we kiss?"

Again, quiet laughter spilled past my lips, and when it died down, I nodded.

With that, Yunjin began to lean in, as did I. It felt like forever had passed, but eventually, our lips met in a slow kiss. Her lips were warm against mine, akin to a hug, almost. I found myself getting lost in a euphoric feeling, one I didn't want to depart from for a long time. She moved her lips languidly against mine as she moved her hand down to cup my neck, and tilted her head for a better angle. Gently, she pulled me closer by the back of my thigh and moved me onto her lap so that I was straddling her, still not breaking the kiss as she settled her other hand on my waist.

I smiled shyly as we pulled away several moments later, with her pressing one final kiss to the corner of my lips.

"How was that for our first kiss?" She asked, genuine curiosity shining in her eyes as she looked up at me.

I chuckled quietly and leaned closer to rest my forehead against hers as I whispered, "magical." I felt a rush of happiness when I caught sight of the ear-to-ear grin she then displayed.


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