26) mission log: 겁 없는 나 (pt. three)

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A bright light filled our vision, followed by the loud boom of the explosion filling our ears. The sound was almost deafening. The blast didn't affect us too harshly, only tipping the vans to the side ever-so-slightly.

But tears immediately stung my eyes as I threw open the van door and ran out as soon as the debris settled.

Wooryeong was still out there.

The rest of the girls didn't waste any time in doing the same, Yunjin being the fastest. I saw the BTS members, the NJ members, and Yeonjun and Jiheon jump out of their vehicles as well and follow us with equal amounts of horror in their eyes.

We all ran to the entrance of the building and nearly gagged at the sight. There laid Wooryeong, holding a boy underneath her, held tightly in her arm as she used her free one to try and drag her body forward, presumably towards the vans. She clearly couldn't see us.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Eunchae run somewhere, followed by the sound of her vomiting.

I shrieked loudly when I saw Wooryeong. I've seen horrible, gruesome things in my life, but this? This was too much. Half of her face was covered in blood, and it was almost too glaringly obvious that she had hit her head badly.

Please be okay.

But deep down, I knew she wouldn't be.


Only a few steps out of the building, the bomb went off.

The boy and I screamed loudly as we were abruptly flung forward. I used all of my strength to keep him in my arms, despite the strong force that sent us forward that felt as if it were trying to pry us apart. Debris flew all around us like bullets.

We hit the pavement with a loud smack. I took the entire fall, moving midair to ensure that I would land on my back. We rolled forward some, but eventually came to a stop. I could feel the ache in my back; the pain was throbbing, as was my head. I honestly didn't know what to feel at the moment. I was in a daze. For a moment, I didn't know what was going on. I think I hit my head in the fall. What I do know is that I can feel the warm blood trickling down the side of my face. I could also feel a sharp, stabbing pain in my ankle. It was broken.

My arms loosened around the unconscious boy for just a second, but as soon as I realized, I tightened them again. I flipped over so that I was holding him to my chest against the ground. I did this so I could crawl. In my daze, and as best as I could with my blurry vision, I stretched out my arm slowly, afterwards pressing it against the pavement and using it to drag my body forward. The sight must've been awful to see. A bloody body slowly dragging herself and another.

I continued with my actions, using all the strength I had left to move.

That is, until I saw feet enter my wavering vision. And then I felt someone lift me up. I felt another pair of hands trying to take the little boy from me, but I wouldn't let go, so they stopped. I looked up at whoever was carrying me, and blinked harshly in an attempt to clear my vision. I was met with Yunjin and Namjoon staring down at me, their eyes practically drowning me with the amount of worry swimming in their depths and the tears glossing over them.

I let myself go shortly after, not knowing the consequences.

"Shit! No, no, no! Wooryeong!"


a/n: i'm so sorry for the lack of frequent updates </3 TT

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