22) he's just like him

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I smiled shyly as we pulled away several moments later, with her pressing one final kiss to the corner of my lips.

"How was that for our first kiss?" She asked, genuine curiosity shining in her eyes as she looked up at me.

I chuckled quietly and leaned closer to rest my forehead against hers as I whispered, "magical." I felt a rush of happiness when I caught sight of the ear-to-ear grin she then displayed.



[ abuse ]




y eyes slowly fluttered open, and the first thing I was greeted with was Wooryeong's face resting close to mine. Soft breaths left her lips as she slept.

I let myself get lost in the close proximity of us, both physically and emotionally. My heart was beating rapidly. The happiness I felt was almost overwhelming as I recalled last night's-or perhaps this morning's-events. I finally can call Wooryeong my girlfriend. Mine. God, it feels like I've been waiting forever for this.

I came out of my thought bubble when I felt Wooryeong move closer to me and brush her nose against mine, and then pull away. She was propped up on her elbow, and looked down at me with a tired smile and half-open eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I muttered.

She replied with a quiet, "Good morning to you too," and then leaned down to peck my lips.

I pulled her back down and wrapped my arms around her waist, causing her to sigh happily, and she eventually fell back asleep.


I stood nervously across from the tall man in front of me. He looked down at me with a cold, almost condescending, gaze. I gulped.

The girls were out on a job, hence they're not training me. I'm stuck with this guy for the next five hours.

"Listen up, Ha," the man said sharply. I straightened my back and looked up at him. "This won't be some princessy shit like whatever you've been taught. This will be rigorous and hard, and if you can't handle that, then you're a weakling, and you might as well give it up," he snapped.

My eyes widened, and I felt a tinge of anger bubble up in my chest, so I rolled my eyes.

What I wasn't expecting was to receive a punch to the abdomen. I coughed and dropped to the ground, clutching my stomach after the surprise attack. I looked up at him through teary eyes as I inhaled and exhaled with a clenched jaw, trying to ease the pain.

He scowled down at me. "Rule number one-the second you disrespect me, I will put you in your place. Do you understand, girl?"

I answered him through gritted teeth. "Yes- Yes, sir."

"Good. Now get up and follow me," he instructed. I winced as I stood up, and trailed behind him as he led me to another corner of the training area.

Who the hell hired him?

I looked down at the bruises forming on my arms and torso, bitter tears brimming my eyes as I did so. It's safe to say that the last three hours have not gone well with my new trainer.

This entire time, he's been way too harsh on me, and extremely rough as well. Whenever I did something wrong, he would come over to correct it, but he did so by gripping my arm too tight, or by hitting me beforehand. It was a definite contrast from the care and understanding that the girls always showed me, that I've gotten used to.

I exhaled shakily and rolled my sleeve back down.

But then, a sudden thought struck me at this moment: it's happening all over again. In several ways, this man is bringing back all of the memories with Adrien.

Almost instantly, I found myself crying, pearl-like tears streaming down my face. The room felt smaller. I was finding it harder and harder to breathe, and my chest felt tight. I began to heave and gasp for air as I dropped to the ground, curling up in a fetal position, my hands pressed against my chest.

"What the hell are you doing lying down?" The trainer walked over to me, looking down at me in disdain. He kicked me in the leg to try and get me to stand up, but I only let out a loud cry.

With my wails only growing louder, the man ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "Aish, quit your crying already! We still have two hours of training left to do, runt!" He raised his hand to hit me, but something interrupted him.

I just barely registered it, but we both heard a door slamming open, followed by urgent footsteps running up to us.

"What the hell is going on here?!" A voice shouted.

I coughed, which was followed by more panicked cries, as I looked up through clumped lashes and warm tears, and was met with the girls coming to a halt in front of us. With a great force, Sakura stomped up and pushed the man back by his shoulders, an angry expression on her face.

Yunjin and Chaewon were immediately by my side.

"Can we touch you, baby girl? Is that alright?" Yunjin asked. I nodded frantically.

Chaewon lifted me up and situated me in between her legs as she wrapped her arms tightly around me to try and calm me down, meanwhile Yunjin cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears.

She spoke with a gentle timbre. "Hey, it's alright. Everything is okay now, baby girl, we're here. I need you to calm down and breathe for me." She demonstrated a calmer breathing pattern, and watched as I slowly followed it.

After a few moments, I was now only hiccuping and sniffling. Yunjin leaned forward and kissed my forehead, letting her lips linger for a moment longer. I sighed, feeling exhaustion creeping up on me, but I didn't let it win. I felt that it would be unfair of me to fall asleep right now when I know that they just returned from a most likely tiring job.

I felt Chaewon run her hands through my hair, but got distracted once I heard Kazuha and Sakura confront the trainer after making sure that I was okay.

Kazuha scowled at the man, and Sakura glared. "What the fuck were you doing to her that caused her to have a panic attack like that, you prick?" The younger asked, throwing her hands in the air.

The man tsked at her and held his head high. "The runt wasn't following instructions well, so I gave her a little push of encouragement, that's all. Nobody told me the little lady would be so sensitive."

Sakura scoffed. Kazuha did the same. "What, did you hit her?" She asked.

The question was meant to be rhetorical, but when the room fell silent, everybody's gaze darkened as they looked at the man. I bit my lip, nervous from the tension.

In the blink of an eye, Yunjin was on her feet and headed straight for the man. She pushed him back by his shoulder and started yelling at him, haphazardly throwing swear after swear into the air.

I gasped loudly, but it was muffled when Chaewon quickly turned my head away from the scene and pushed it against her chest so that I couldn't see. She placed her hands over my ears as I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

I want everything to just... stop.

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