15) 다 괜찮아질 거야

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The sound of a girl's laughter echoed throughout the dark abyss. It sounded familiar.

"Who's there?"

All I got in response was more giggles, and then the sound of bare feet hitting the floor, getting closer and closer and closer.

"Wooryeong! It's me, Youngwoo, don't you remember me?"

Tears brimmed my widened eyes as I stared into the eyes of my older sister, who had a sinister grin on her face. "U-Unnie?" I stuttered out.

Her smile only widened. But something felt off. My suspicion was confirmed when she began to recite eerie quotes.

"Roses are dull, violets are crying. On the outside you're happy, but inside you're dying."

"Stop it."

"The tower of Euphoria was so close, yet so far. A place she needed to go, to heal her scars. Into the forest you go..."

"Stop. Somebody, please, help me!"

"...to lose your mind and maybe... your soul."

A shriek ripped through the air as I fell to my knees, crying hysterically.

"You could've kept the family together, little sister. If you had just told mom and dad what you knew, we'd still be a family. But it's okay, Wooryeong," Youngwoo cooed. Her voice sounded mechanical, which sent a shiver down my spin.

"It's okay, Wooryeong. It's okay, Wooryeong. It's okay, Wooryeong. It's okay, Wooryeong. It's-"

"Help me! Stop it! Stop, stop, stop!" I screamed. And then it all went black.

I shot up from the bed, beads of sweat rolling down my skin as I hyperventilated. I started panicking even more upon remembering what the nightmare was about. Broken cries slipped past my trembling lips as I tangled my fingers in my hair. It's been a week since the drugging, and I've been having a hard time sleeping ever since, but never have I had a nightmare. I haven't had one in quite some time, actually.

I was too deep into my emotions to hear a light switch being flipped just outside my door, which then creaked open.

"Shit." I looked up to see Kazuha standing in the doorway, a worried expression tattooed on her face. She rushed forward and sat beside me on the bed. "What's wrong, Ryeong? What happened?"

I wanted to speak, I wanted to tell her so badly, but I couldn't even formulate words. Everything felt so awful. My chest was tight, my breathing was quick and shallow, and my vision was blurry. My mind was foggy, but all I could think of was Yunjin.

"Yun- Y-Yunj-jin. I nee- n-need-"

Before I could even finish, Kazuha was already bolting out of the room and down the hall. Several seconds later, there were rushed footsteps approaching, and before I knew it, Yunjin was by side.

I looked up at her, trying to see through my tears, and reached for her hand. She quickly pulled me into her arms and squeezed me tightly. "I've got you. It's okay. Whatever it is that caused this, it's over now, okay? You are always safe with me, I swear. Calm down and breathe. Breathe for me, baby girl, breathe."

She pushed my head down against her chest, and I listened to her words. I tried to match my breathing to hers as I listened to her steady heartbeat. I'm safe. I'm with the girls and I'm safe. What happened in the past is in the past. I can't change anything.

Slowly, my breathing returned to normal.

When I was finally calm, the two of us sat in a comfortable silence. Until I spoke up.

"Unnie," I whispered. My voice was weak and shaky, but still audible.

Yunjin looked down at me and kissed the crown of my head. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

I sighed deeply. "Being here. You didn't have to come help me just now. You guys didn't have to help me back at the dance studio. You didn't have to help me get where I am now, but you did. I haven't been this happy in such a long time. So thank you."

I felt Yunjin shuffle around behind me, and then I felt her bury her face in the crook of my neck. "I'd do it all over again if I had to. I want you to know that." And then, I felt her lips brush against my cheek, placing a gentle kiss on the skin. "I mean it."

While the action left me flustered and red and with a stomach full of butterflies, I'm glad that she's getting better at being more open. She seems to be enjoying the skinship. I mean, two days ago, with much caution, I cuddled up to her on the couch while she was watching a movie by herself-and, of course, our sweet Eunchae joined the cuddle puddle-to which I'm proud to say Yunjin didn't even seem the slightest bit bothered by it. In fact she simply put her arms around the both of us and continued to watch the movie.

Slowly, I turned in her hold and looked into her eyes. They were pretty, as they always have been. Shining, really. I let a smile win my lips, and smiled even brighter when she mirrored it. Without warning, I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, pulling away just as quickly as I went in, and then hiding my face in the crook of her neck afterwards.

I squealed quietly, my ears turning red. She chuckled and whispered, "So cute."

"Anyway!" I quickly tried to change the subject, turning back around in her arms so that my back was resting against her front. "Thank you, again, for helping me just now. I really do appreciate it," I stated.

Yunjin rested her head atop mine, wrapping her arms around my waist. Is this friendly skinship, or something more? She pulled me impossibly close.

"It's really no problem, Wooryeong. It's what I'm here for; to help and love and guide you. I'm always gonna be here, no matter what," she muttered.

My heart warmed at her words. "And I'll always do the same for you, Unnie. Always."

It went silent for a few minutes, just the two of us lying still, enjoying the serenity. The dorm was still, no movement throughout the entire place; it felt like it was just Yunjin and I.

"What was it about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your nightmare. Tell me about it."

I sat in thought for a moment, trying to remember, since it slipped my mind. "My older sister."

"Ha Youngwoo?"

"Yeah... I dreamt that she was right there... Right there in front of me, like- like I could reach out and touch her, but- but I-I... I couldn't. She started saying the same thing, over and over and over. It's okay, Wooryeong. She would say that to me." I curled up in Yunjin's embrace, tears brimming my eyes as my voice shook. "And I- I tried screaming for help, but nobody would help me! She wouldn't stop, Unnie, she wouldn't stop!" I sobbed.

Yunjin sighed and squeezed me. "I'm sorry. That must've been scary... But don't worry, Ryeong, Unnie's here...

...Unnie will protect you."

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