13) rose, the life saver

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[ bullying/assault, drugging ]



"Hey, Haerin, what's up?"

It's been ten minutes since Wooryeong left to go to the restroom, and she has yet to return. Seokjin and I were beginning to get worried, so we ventured out of the lecture room, with only five minutes to spare until the class began, and went to look for her. When we arrived at the bathrooms, I had went in to check on her and see if she was alright, but there was no sign of her.

What we did find, though, was a keychain. A keychain that Seokjin and I immediately recognized as Wooryeong's. What scared us the most was that drops of fresh blood were splattered around it.

So Seokjin urged me to call Yunjin.

"It's Ryeong-unnie. We think something is wrong. Ryeong left for the bathroom ten minutes ago and didn't return, so we came to check on her, but she wasn't in here. But we did find her keychain on the floor, along with drops of fresh blood," I explained.

The urgency and worry in Yunjin's voice honestly surprised me. "Shit. Okay, keep looking for her. Kkura-unnie and Chaewon-unnie are on a job right now, but Eunchae and I will come down. We'll be there soon." With that, Yunjin hung up.

After explaining to Seokjin what Yunjin told me, we both took off down the hall in search of Wooryeong. After several minutes of running around, we came upon the last corridor to look down.

There, we saw a group of women surrounding what seemed to be a smaller woman pressed against the metal lockers behind them.

Seokjin and I immediately recognized the women.

Juhee, a third-year student, known for her bad attitude. She's like the leader of the group. Sooyoung, another third-year-there's nothing really special about her, she's only popular because she hangs around the Queenkas. Miyeon is yet another third-year, known for her impeccable fashion and sophisticated aura. Then there's Miso, a snobby twenty-seven-year-old who's just transferred to this school and a newer member of the group. And lastly, Naeun, a crude woman with a nasty attitude. Apparently, she's been arrested three times just this year.

Seokjin and I watched in bewilderment as Miyeon reached forward and jabbed the poor student.

I was about to go and interfere but I was held back by the arm. I looked up and saw Yunjin behind me.

"There's a student getting bullied, Unnie, but those girls are covering her, so I can't really see who it-"

"Goddamnit, Ha Wooryeong!" A shrill voice belonging to Juhee snapped. "Stop talking back and just give it to us!"

"I told you I don't have any money on me, moron," the other student bit back, roughly pushing Juhee away from her.

"Oh my fucking God, why hasn't this damn drug kicked in yet?"

As soon as we heard Wooryeong's name, we froze. And then we caught a glimpse of the student's face.

The student was Wooryeong.

Eunchae was the first to take action as she ran towards the scene, immediately tackling Juhee, who had looked like she wanted to kill Wooryeong. The two of them rolled around on the floor, while the others and I dealt with Sooyoung, Miyeon, Miso, and Naeun, which was fairly easy. Well, except for Naeun-she put up quite a fight.

Sooyoung came running at me and swung her fist in an attempt to hit me in the face, but I ducked and kicked my leg out behind me as I rushed past her, kicking her down to the floor. Once she was down, I joined her on the floor and brought her into a headlock. I held her like that until her eyes fluttered shut.

After all of the women were dealt with and unconscious, all of us rushed to Wooryeong's side, just as she collapsed. Thankfully, Yunjin caught her just in time.


I lost my balance and toppled over, dizzy and exhausted, just after witnessing Haerin, Seokjin, Yunjin, and Eunchae fight off the Queenkas. And for what? Because some rich, snobby women wanted money, for some reason, even though they already had plenty.

I was surprised that the girls and Seokjin even found me. Tears brimmed my eyes. The pain was a lot to take in.

Thankfully, Yunjin caught me when I fell. I saw Seokjin blowing on his bruised knuckles, Haerin with a hard set glare directed at the unconscious group of women, and Eunchae cracking her knuckles.

I was taken to the infirmary. When we entered, we were greeted by Jung Hyorim, one of the school's medical staff, who seemed surprised to see us.

"Wooryeong?" Was the first thing she said, immediately after her greeting. She probably didn't take in who we were when she said hello. "Holy shit. Yunjin, what happened to her? She looks terrible."

Introducing Jung Hyorim, aka Rose, as she's known on the field. Yes, she's a member of the Hybe family. I found this out after Mr. Bang had told me about her. She's one of their best hackers, and one of the standby doctors for missions, among many other things. She does a little bit of everything, sometimes even leading missions.

Hyorim frowned as Seokjin explained everything. "We found her being picked on by the Queenkas. It seems like she's been drugged," Seokjin said as Hyorim checked out my eyes.

I heard Yunjin raise her voice all of a sudden. "Wait- What the hell?!" And then she turned on her heel, getting ready to walk out, but Haerin and Eunchae grabbed her by the arms and held her back. "Let me the fuck go. Those bitches need to be taught a goddamn lesson about what happens when you mess with family," Yunjin snapped.

"Yunjin-unnie," I called out. Hyorim's eyes widened in surprise as she watched Yunjin immediately drop her anger and run to my side.

Yunjin held my hand tightly. "Yeah?"

"I'm alright. It's- It's..."

And then my eyes fell shut.

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