07) a warm heart in cold weather

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It was early in the morning, and I was quietly slipping on my sneakers. I was planning on going on a short walk outside of the headquarters, which I've been wanting to do ever since Sakura told me yesterday that they have their own outdoor area in the back where you can run and do other things.

Last night was my very first night in the Le Sserafim dorm after they told me the news. I slept in Eunchae's room, after she got on her knees and begged for that sleeping arrangement. I had no protests anyway, so it was an easy decision, although a small part of me wanted to sleep in Yunjin's room. For some reason, I just feel safe around her.

Last night, the girls and I discussed what position I would be taking on, and I decided on becoming a getaway driver for now. When the boss, Bang Sihyuk, gave me a rundown of what the job would entail, I will admit that I was starting to become unsure of whether or not I wanted to choose this one, but in the end, I went with it. If I'm going to have to be a part of this family, I might as well have fun with it. Luckily, Mr. Bang assigned me to the Le Sserafim unit, and, if needed, the NJ unit-which I've since found out is the unit in which Haerin is a member of. And to add on to being a getaway driver, Mr. Bang said that, at any point, I can participate in a field job if I felt like I was up to it. We'll have to see what unfolds in the future.

"Going on a run?"

I turned around at lightning speed upon hearing the voice from behind me. I saw Yunjin leaning against the doorway, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her sweatpants. Besides the sweatpants, she was also wearing a white cropped tank top. I couldn't help but check her out-it was impossible not to.

After a few moments of silence, I nervously nodded my head. I don't know why, but she just makes me so nervous, but... in a good way, if that makes sense.

It was dark, so I almost missed it, but I caught sight of the small smile peeking through on her lips as she pushed away from the doorframe and began to walk towards me. I grew confused when she stopped right in front of me, standing closer than I would expect from her. We were practically chest to chest, which caused a bright pink blush to creep up my neck and spread across my cheeks.

I looked up at her shyly. She simply smirked and reached for something behind me. When I saw what she grabbed, my eyes widened. She had grabbed a jacket from the coat rack that was directly behind me. The realization made me internally facepalm myself. Yunjin, however, leaned down ever-so-slightly.

"I'll come with you."

The air was brisk, the breeze gently brushing my hair as I jogged down the path. Yunjin was beside me. As I glanced over at her, I took a moment to admire her side profile. This is the first time I'm actually really taking in her beauty. She's absolutely gorgeous. I mean, obviously I've noticed that her visuals are stunning, but I've never actually taken the time to admire her.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Yunjin suddenly stopped me. I looked up at her, confused as to why she did that. She said nothing, and simply pointed to the benches to our left. My face lit up in realization, and I nodded. We both took a seat next to each other, and sat in silence for a little while.

After a few minutes of us catching our breath, I began to curse in my head when I finally felt how cold it was outside. I began to shiver as the breeze hit me. With no other option than to just tough it out, I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed them up and down with my hands to try and provide myself with at least a small amount of warmth.

I must've done so a little too loudly, because I saw Yunjin open her eyes and turn her head to look over at me. Her eyes widened at the sight of me shivering, and she immediately jumped into action. My own eyes mimicked her previous expression, widening as she took off her jacket, leaving her in just a thin t-shirt.

She reached out and tried to give me the jacket, but I quickly pushed her hands away. "A-Aniya! You'll be cold! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I muttered. A frosty breath left my lips with every word, and my nose and ears were nipped red by the cold, but I brought this on myself by not bringing a jacket, so I don't want her to be cold because of my forgetfulness.

Yunjin shook her head and scooted closer to me. "Wooryeong, just take the damn jacket," she snapped, holding out the jacket again.

I flinched at her tone and lowered my head as I bit my lip. There was a tense silence. And then I heard her curse under her breath.

"Shit." She reached out and gently cupped my jaw to lift my head and turn it towards her. "I'm sorry, Wooryeong, I wasn't trying to scare you. I just don't want you to be cold," she admitted. For obvious reasons, she doesn't seem like the type who apologizes for the things she does, so this apology took me by surprise, though I didn't show it on my face.

I hesitated for a moment, before speaking up and suggesting something that was on my mind. "Why- Why don't we just s-share?" I questioned quietly. The jacket was pretty oversized on Yunjin, and I didn't want to argue with her any further.

She nodded wordlessly and scooted closer to me. She then draped the jacket over the both of us. Our arms were pressed against each other, as well as our legs. The moment felt peaceful, and I suddenly felt very warm-in my heart, at least.

I took a glance at her side profile and smiled to myself. I decided to take a big risk. I carefully laid my head down on her shoulder, and then waited to see if she would do anything.

"Is- Is this okay, Yunjin?" I whispered.

She didn't give me a verbal response. Instead, she simply laid her head down on top of mine. A smile graced my lips.

A few hours later, I was trailing behind the girls as we walked down a corridor. We were all clad in athletic attire. The girls were wearing sweatpants and tank tops, meanwhile I was wearing a tank top and shorts.

Today is my first day of training, even though I've only been an unofficial member for less than a day. The Le Sserafim members are going to be teaching me basic self-defense, which, for the most part, will probably be easy to learn, seeing as I used to do martial arts.

"Okay, Wooryeong, today starts your first official day as an unofficial member, and it is the commencement of your very first training session!" Chaewon smiled brightly at me. "Excited?"

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips as I looked at all of them. Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha appeared bubbly, Sakura seemed neutral, and Yunjin looked to be her usual cold self.

"Let's get started then." Chaewon grabbed my hand and led me to the first station, which would be strength training. The girls would each be training me in different fields-Chaewon and strength training, Kazuha and agility training, Sakura and stealth tactics, Eunchae and basic self-defense training, and Yunjin and firearm training.

I groaned as I looked at all of the equipment. She chuckled. "Oh, you'll get used to it sooner or later," she said.

With that, we began the exercises.

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