23) soft kisses & first dates

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I gasped loudly, but it was muffled when Chaewon quickly turned my head away from the scene and pushed it against her chest so that I couldn't see. She placed her hands over my ears as I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

I want everything to just... stop.



Jeongguk carefully laid Wooryeong down on her bed and crouched next to her sleeping figure. He sighed, a sympathetic look in his eyes as he fixed her bangs and let his eyes rake over her exhausted appearance.

"God, it sucks that stuff like this keeps happening to her," he muttered.

Kazuha sat down by Wooryeong's feet and stared straight ahead. "I know. I just wish we could protect her from everything, but it seems so impossible," she admitted. Eunchae nodded solemnly and held Wooryeong's hand, while Chaewon and Sakura looked down at their feet.

Yunjin walked up to the bed and lowered herself in front of Wooryeong after Jeongguk made room for her by scooting out of the way. The assassin offered Wooryeong a sorrowful smile and caressed her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, my love."

Wooryeong stirred in her sleep with a soft, tired smile as she awoke to feathery kisses being trailed down the nape of her neck and across her shoulder.

"Good morning," she called out quietly. Her voice was meek and thick with exhaustion.

Yunjin sighed and propped herself up on her elbow, while Wooryeong moved to lay on her back. The two of them stared into each other's eyes momentarily, before Yunjin lowered himself to press her lips against Wooryeong's. When she pulled away, she collapsed beside the younger. Wooryeong giggled and draped an arm around Yunjin's waist, gently dragging the pads of her fingers along her bare back as they laid in a comfortable silence.

"How are you feeling?" Yunjin asked. Her morning voice was raspy, making Wooryeong's cheeks flush as she averted her gaze.

"I... Uhm, I don't know. I'm tired, and still a little shaken from yesterday," Wooryeong responded.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl." Yunjin sighed and then brushed her nose against the younger's.

Wooryeong looked up and cupped Yunjin's cheeks. "Wanna carry me to the bathroom?"

Yunjin grinned and sat up, and then stood up from the bed. "Sure."

Wooryeong crawled to Yunjin and allowed the older to pick her up and carry her like a parent would their child. Wooryeong had a content smile on her face as they made their way to the bathroom. Yunjin made the younger laugh by doing little twirls and dramatically taking her time by waltzing around like a disney princess.

The leader had a soft smile on her face as she took in Wooryeong's angelic features.

"You are so beautiful," Yunjin spoke aloud as she set Wooryeong down on the bathroom counter. The aforementioned wrapped her arms around Yunjin's neck and pulled her in between her legs, then pulling her even closer.

Their lips collided gently. At first, there was no movement, but after a few seconds passed, Yunjin took the lead and moved her lips languidly against Wooryeong's. The younger let out a blissful sigh, melting under Yunjin's warm touch as the older's fingers brushed against her sides underneath her shirt.

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