12) wooryeongie has a crush!

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Wooryeong excitedly exited her room after getting dressed and doing her makeup (which she did by going to Kazuha's room and using her products). In the kitchen, she was met with Chaewon, who was preparing breakfast for everyone.

"Good morning, Unnie!" Wooryeong called out.

Chaewon looked over her shoulder and smiled, before putting the burner on low heat, wiping her hands on a rag, and then approaching Wooryeong. She brought the younger into her embrace, squeezing her affectionately.

"Good morning, my lovely Wooryeongie~" Chaewon sang. "Ready for your first day?" She asked.

When Chaewon let go and walked back to the stove, Wooryeong took a seat on a barstool. "Definitely! I'm a little nervous about meeting new people, but I'm super excited to get to enjoy school again-and I get to see Haerin and Seokjin there too, which is obviously a major plus," she replied.

Should I tell her about those girls? Wooryeong paused to think to herself. No. It's not big deal. Yet.

When Wooryeong attended university the first time, she had already made enemies within just the second week. The group of girls went by a cliché, predictable, and boring name: the Queenkas. After Wooryeong had wandered into the wrong lecture room by accident, she didn't immediately realize it, so she took a seat. Funnily enough, the seat she was sitting in was in the section that everyone, clearly except for Wooryeong, knew belonged to the Queenkas. She wasn't aware of it until the said group of women entered the lecture room and glared down at her. When one of them snapped at her for sitting in her seat, Wooryeong made the decision to snap back. Let's just say that the bruises that her mother gave her weren't the only ones she had received that day.

Back in the present, Chaewon hummed. "That's good to hear. And don't worry, love, I'm sure you'll make at least a few friends. And, hey, even if you don't, you've still got seven kickass best friends. Family."

Wooryeong grinned at the older's statement. The two of them allowed a comfortable silence to fall into place, as Chaewon finished up with the food. When she was done, she placed it all on the table, which Wooryeong had set.

When that was taken care of, Chaewon gestured for Wooryeong to come to her. Wooryeong immediately came to sit by the older, who was sitting in her assigned seat at the table. "Yes, Unnie?"

Chaewon offered Wooryeong a knowing look. "Wooryeongie. You would tell me if you had feelings for one of our members, right?" She questioned, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Wooryeong's lips parted slightly. "I-I don't know what you mean," she stuttered out quickly.

"There's no need to hide it, love, it's okay if you do. I asked because I saw you and Yunjin in your room. It seemed like there was some chemistry there," she stated. "Do you, perhaps, like her?"

Wooryeong bit her bottom lip nervously. Do I like Yunjin? It's only been two weeks, yet Wooryeong feels like she's known the girls for years. She knows for a fact that she feels safe around all of them, but more so when she's around Yunjin. And she knows deep in her heart, which always beats faster whenever Yunjin even so much as glances her way, that she always has Yunjin on her mind. And this morning, the moment that she and Yunjin shared felt magical. It felt like it was just the two of them in this world. It felt nice to be in her arms. Is this what a crush feels like? This is my first time experiencing something like this.

"I mean- Maybe. I don't really know how to tell if it's a crush or something else," Wooryeong admitted.

Chaewon smiled reassuringly. "Do you think about her all the time?"


"Do you smile whenever you do?"

"It's hard not to."

"Does your heart beat faster whenever she's around? Do you blush whenever she's around you?"

"Oh, most definitely."

"And how would you feel if Yunjin were to walk into the dorm with a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"

Wooryeong frowned. "I-I... Uh... Well, thinking about that now, I know I'd be upset," she confessed.

Chaewon leaned back in her chair and squealed quietly, bouncing her legs up and down. "Oh my God, our Wooryeongie has a crush!" She whisper-shouted.

Wooryeong blushed and smiled to herself as she stared down at her dainty hands.

So this is what it feels like.


In the dorms, I've gotten a lot more comfortable with the girls, and we've all grown really close-even Yunjin and I are close, even though, up until this morning, she's always been cold. So it wasn't really out of the norm for me to initiate skinship with them and be really touchy. They all feel like they've known me for years, and vice versa.

After quickly finishing up our breakfast, Yunjin and I stood from our chairs, pushed them in, and then took our plates to the dishwasher. After loading them in, Yunjin headed to the door, while I rushed back to the girls, who were still eating.

"Bye, everybody!" I exclaimed. I leaned down and hugged Sakura and Kazuha, then moved to wrap my arms around Chaewon's neck from behind, and then I went to Eunchae and kissed her forehead.

"Bye, Wooryeong! Have a great day! Fighting!" Chaewon responded. Sakura gave me a wave.

"Bye, Unnie!" Kazuha and Eunchae said in unison.

With that, I grabbed my bag from the living room and ran to the dorm door, where Yunjin stood. "All ready!" I said giddily.

Yunjin turned to me and reached out to fix my hair, and then chuckled. "Let's go."

Wooryeong, Seokjin, and Haerin had to be in their first lecture in fifteen minutes. Wooryeong was honestly quite nervous, knowing that there's a chance she'll be in a class with the Queenkas. Hopefully they've forgotten about her.

Brushing off those thoughts, she turned to Seokjin and Haerin and smiled as they all did their trio handshake.

"Bye, guys, I'll see you in class!" Wooryeong said, waving as she turned on her heel.

Haerin stopped her, though, as both she and Seokjin were confused. "But I thought we have our first lecture together, do we not?"

Wooryeong nodded but said, "Correct, but I really need to use the bathroom. Can you take my bag with you? I'll be there in a few minutes."

Seokjin and Haerin nodded in understanding, and the eldest took Wooryeong's bag for her. On that note, Wooryeong turned around once again to head to the restroom.

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