14) pink irises

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"Fuck!" Hyorim and Seokjin shouted. They both pushed me out of the way and began to tend to Wooryeong, who passed out mid-sentence.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched the two doctors do their work. Just the thought of any of the girls getting hurt or being in pain makes me feel sick to my stomach, so I honestly don't know how I'm still even functioning right now. It's still crazy to me how much I care for Wooryeong, having only known her for a couple weeks. I've always had up such a cold front, and I always believed I had no time for crushes and mushy stuff like that due to my lifestyle and job, but it seems like all of that came crashing down when Wooryeong came into the picture. Around her, and of course with the love and support from my members, I feel like I can change for the better; you know, warm up to people a little bit.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Hyorim spoke.

"It honestly does not fucking surprise me that those sickos would do something like this to her," Hyorim muttered to herself. "If I knew that Wooryeong was coming here, I would have kept an eye on her-I mean, when they first fucked with her, it wasn't pretty."

Eunchae raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. I looked at Hyorim as well, expecting an answer.

Hyorim looked at Haerin, who sighed sadly before looking up at us. "Back when we attended the first time, Unnie had a run-in with the Queenkas and, long story short, she talked back to them and they hurt her in return. Wooryeong-unnie didn't come to school for the entire week after that day. When she finally told us about what happened, Jin-oppa and I really wanted to kill those girls at the time, but we're not monsters-we weren't actually going to go around killing, at the time, somewhat innocent girls, even if they did beat up our best friend, you know?"

Eunchae and I sighed. The room fell silent, a tense air surrounding us. Will Wooryeong be okay? That's my top priority.

Suddenly, Hyorim spoke up again. "Jin, I think I know what it is." Her face hardened. "Just last year, I was doing research for Boss, and I stumbled across a news article talking about a drug called Orchest, that had been circulating around popular neighborhoods," she explained.

My eyes widened comically. I've heard of this drug before, and the effects are no joke. This information only made me fear for Wooryeong more, so much so that I stood up and held her hand tightly.

Jin, although he probably wanted to smile at my out-of-the-ordinary skinship, looked over at Hyorim, beyond curious and concerned. "What are the effects?"

"The drug takes the individual to a whole 'nother level of dizziness, it causes horrifying hallucinations, and, in most cases, renders you immobile. But the one thing that sets this drug apart from others is that it makes your eyes appear a sort of pink color," Hyorim said, holding one of Wooryeong's eyes open to show us the unnatural coloring in her pupil.

Seokjin seemed to still be confused about one aspect. "How long does it usually take to take effect?"

"That's the thing. This drug is one that usually kicks in almost instantly, but in this case, it's only just hit her. The only explanation is that they most likely watered the drug down because they didn't want to cause too much trouble. Well, if things were up to Naeun, they would have killed Wooryeong, that's for sure."

Haerin spoke up next. "Well, is there any way to quickly flush it from her-" But she was cut off by Wooryeong's shriek, followed by loud sobs.

"Get a-away from me! Don't touch me! Stop!" She cried. She was wide awake now and flailing her arms around, seemingly trying to push something away from her, something that we couldn't see.

She was hallucinating.

Seokjin had to hold her down. I rushed over to hold her hand in mine.

"Guys, you need to leave the room, now," Seokjin instructed.

Haerin and Eunchae reluctantly nodded, deep, worried frowns playing on their lips as they exited the room. Okay, I made that sound a lot better than it went; Haerin had to drag a crying Eunchae out of the room.

I, however, stood my ground. By no means am I going to leave Wooryeong's side. I may not act like it, but I'm fully aware of how safe she feels around me, and if I can do anything to help her, even if it's just this small thing, I want to do it for her. I will do it for her.

"I'm staying," I declared.

"No, Yunjin, we need space for what we need to do," Seokjin responded.

I scowled at him. "I said I'm fucking staying," I snapped coldly. Seokjin and Hyorim might be older than me, but I have higher status, which means I don't have to listen to a word they say, especially not in this case. I've seen what needs to be done to flush the drug, and I can guarantee that my presence won't get in the way of anything.

I just want to be with her when she wakes up.

There was a tense silence, but the other two eventually carried on.


Seokjin cupped Wooryeong's damp cheeks and turned her face to look at him. She stared into his eyes with an exhausted, distraught expression. "Ha Wooryeong, can you hear me?" He asked.

Wooryeong remained still, unresponsive and barely blinking. Jin sighed solemnly.

"Let's get to work."

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