28) memories of you & i

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We all eventually came to a stop in front of a building. I looked to the side and eyed all of the girls, who were looking up at the building with tired eyes.

I exhaled deeply.

"Let's go, girls."


FLASHBACK #1"only warmth"

"Aish, it's so cold in here," Wooryeong whined quietly. Her grip on my hand tightened, while her other hand was stuffed deeply into her coat pocket. I looked down at her frost-nipped fingers that were laced with mine. They fit perfectly within one another, but I was more worried about her being cold at the moment.

I brought our hands up to my lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of hers, before pulling her closer by the waist. "Better?" I questioned as I once agin kissed her hand. After seeing a shy smile peek through on her lips, I smiled softly in response and kissed her nose.

"Yah! You're so lovey dovey now… it's weird," Wooryeong murmured, wrapping her free arm around my neck. I chuckled. "Where did my cold Yunjin go, huh?" She joked.

I shook my head. "She's there when she needs to be, but not around you. Around you, there's only warmth, baby girl," I told her. I watched with a satisfied smirk as her face quickly turned red. She slapped the nape of my neck and pulled out of my embrace, pouting to herself as she stomped away from me and towards the front counter, leaving me to laugh as I walked after her.

Some minutes later, we were both sitting on a cold bench, tying up the laces to the worn skates snugly hugging our feet. Afterwards, we placed our shoes in two side-by-side cubbies, before carefully, and hand-in-hand, making our way onto the ice rink.

"Have you ever ice skated before?" I asked Wooryeong.

Wooryeong shook her head. "Nope," she said, popping the 'p.'

I shook my head with a grin. "Me neither," I replied quietly. "But it can't be too different from regular skating, right?"

The younger simply grinned and tugged at my hand. I got the hint, and eventually, the both of us were somewhat gracefully skating around the rink, still holding hands as we moved around and about. We'd occasionally come close to tripping and falling face- or back-first, but for the most part, we just let go and moved. The cold air eventually began to feel sort of nice against my skin, regardless of the fact that my face felt slightly numb.

An hour later, I was carrying an exhausted Wooryeong on my back, the younger clinging to me like a koala. She looked adorable at the moment.

"Can we stop by Taco Bell on the way home, Yunjinnie?" Wooryeong suddenly asked, her words accompanied by the growl of her stomach.

I grinned to myself at the sound of Wooryeong addressing me as 'Yunjinnie.' The younger's only been calling me that for a few days — since the day we went on their first date — and I can't seem to get enough of it. I just love the way it sounds, rolling from her tongue. I love her familiar, sweet tone of voice. Honestly, to draw a conclusion, I love everything about her (well, except for the fact that she likes to eat all of my snacks at home).

"Hello? Earth to Yunjin!"

I snapped out of my small trance and realized I had stopped walking along the sidewalk, and was instead rooted in my spot. I shook my head a bit and continued walking. "Of course, we can, babe. I'm starving too."

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