16) the love doctor

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Yunjin sighed and squeezed me. "I'm sorry. That must've been scary... But don't worry, Ryeong, Unnie's here...

...Unnie will protect you."


The first thing I did when I woke up was get up to head straight to Chaewon's bedroom.

Lately, I've been feeling a certain type of way around Wooryeong. At first, I thought it was just that I had a lot of pity for her, therefore I acted differently towards her, but looking back on everything, it feels different. She makes my heart warm, and she makes me feel really happy when I even just look at her. It just feels from the love I have with my members. But I've never had a crush in real life. I've just seen portrayals of it on TV. I want to get answers from someone who's actually been in love before, someone that I can trust.

So I went to Chaewon's room. I shivered when my feet hit the cold floor, and moved quietly down the hallway to the older's room.

I knocked once.

"Come in."

I twisted the knob and pushed the door open. I was met with Chaewon sitting at her desk, typing quickly on her laptop with a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she was already dressed in casual clothes, seeing as we had nothing to do today.

"Good morning, dongsaeng~" She called out.

She had a bowl of grapes at her side, so I took one and sat down on her bed. "Morning," I replied. "I'm going to cut straight to the chase. I need help," I deadpanned.

Chaewon looked up at me, a look of confusion plastered on her face as she slowly shut her laptop and took off her glasses. "With what? Is everything okay?" She asked.

I nodded, but I could tell that she noticed the uncertainty in the action.

It went silent for a few moments as she patiently waited for me to form the right words.

"I..." I trailed off, unsure of myself, but ultimately decided to continue. "I think I'm in love, but I don't know for sure." I stared out the window and sighed.

A knowing smile crossed her lips. "I know," she stated simply. "Luckily, you came to the right person," she joked.

I smiled and looked at her. "So how do I know for sure that romantic love is what I'm feeling for this someone, love doctor?"

I like this side of her, Chaewon thought to herself. She playfully sat in thought. "Well, I'll ask you the same questions I asked one of my other friends that went through this exact same thing." She wiggled her eyebrows, but I had no idea who she was alluding to, so I just let her continue. "First question. Do you think about this person all the time?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Do you smile whenever you think of them?"

I smiled because of this question, so that's an easy answer. "I think that the answer is obvious based on my reaction."

Chaewon giggled. "Mhm. Does your heart tend to beat faster whenever this person is around you? Do you blush a lot?"

"It can't be helped, really." Just the thought of Wooryeong and her precious smile and presence sent a wave of warmth crashing over me.

"Cute~ Now... How about the future? Could you see yourself being with this person? Would you like to spend your life with them, perhaps?" Chaewon questioned.

I pursed my lips, before looking into Chaewon's eyes. "I... I think that she deserves better than me, but... I don't want to let her go. Ever," I answered.

Chaewon nodded. "Okay, last question. How would you feel if she were to come to the dorm with a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"

I frowned. "That's easy. I'd be a little upset, of course, but I wouldn't act on it. As long as she's happy, that's all I need. As much as I would prefer for her to be happy with me... it is what it is. I can't change that," I explained.

Chaewon looked at me, shock written all over her face. She likely expected me to say something completely different, probably an answer with a lot more threats in it, but she got the opposite.

"Damn, Huh, you're super in love."

Now I just need to figure out how to confess my newly realized feelings for Wooryeong. And for that, I've decided to go to Eunchae, seeing as she's always sticking to Wooryeong and usually always has an answer for everything when it comes to emotions.

It was now after breakfast, and we had all parted ways to go back to our rooms and get dressed (if we haven't already). I went back to my room simply to put on some light makeup, and then made my way to Eunchae's room immediately after. I knocked on the door and waited for her to give me permission to enter.

When I walked in, she was standing in front of her closet, clad in only her undergarments, and trying to pick out an outfit. When she saw that it was me, she pouted and tilted her head.

"Unnie," she called out, "help me pick out an outfit, please."

I rolled my eyes, a playful smile gracing my lips. "Yah, Manchae~ Didn't I tell you to choose your outfits the night before?" She whined again and shook her body like a child, making me coo. "Aish. Fine, I'll help you."

I walked over to her and helped her pick out an outfit for today, and she smiled afterwards.

"Thank you, Unnie," she said. I nodded.

After a few moments, occupied by a quietude wherein I simply sat on her bed and she sat down at her vanity to do her hair, she spoke up again.

"Is there something you needed, Yunjin-unnie?" She questioned, meeting my eyes through the mirror.

I nodded, remembering what I came here for. "Yeah... I have a problem that I need help with."

"Okay. Share with me."

"How do you... confess to someone?"

Eunchae froze. Then she slowly peered over her shoulder to look at me. And then, she shot up from her seat, threw her arms around my neck, and squealed.

Thankfully, she was somewhat quiet when she spoke her next words. "Freaking finally! The girls and I were lowkey rooting for this ship, and now there's actually hope! You and Wooryeong are so cute together!"

Literally what? I didn't even tell her who I wanted to confess to, how did she guess?

I flushed red and looked away, rolling my eyes.

"Okay," she spoke up again, sitting back down at her vanity and crossing her arms, "ready for your first lesson about confessing to your crush?"

"Let's hope so."

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