Chapter 11 : The Green Light

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Sarah waved at Molly and Arthur from the train, along with Fred, Ron and Ginny, George had left their side a second ago, for some reason. They all split up then, meeting up with their respective friends.

Sarah and Fred found Lee in a compartment, and not long after that, George and Selena appeared too. The girls had screeched when they saw each other, made the boys recoil to the other side of the compartment.

"Do they need to do that every time?" Lee commented which earned him an eye-roll from the girls. They sat down next to each other and started talking about their summers.

After not nearly enough time, the train seemed to stop.

"We couldn't possibly have arrived yet," spoke Selena in a worry tinted tone. Something didn't feel right to any of them. Sarah felt her stomach drop as she saw a cloaked figure float around the hallway, a Dementor, she had learned about it in a book of Remus'. It looked like it would go right past them but lingered for a second at their door. Sarah shivered, and the air got knocked out of her lungs, all the happiness draining out of her, feeling like she'll never smile again. She saw the blinding green light, that damned night. Suddenly, she was back there again, every memory from then colliding and falling on her like an avalanche, just like it did when Remus gave her back the memories. She felt herself fall forward, everything becoming blurry and cold.

"McCauley-" Fred jumped from his seat and caught her, but she only heard the men walk around again, she heard the murderous voice shout, she felt her mother's grip again. She felt four years old again, helpless, frozen, heart bleeding out from overwhelming grief. Her head was spinning, gripping on to what she thought were her own arms, she didn't realize that the figure was long gone and that she was in Fred's arms, and George kneeling down, was holding her ice-cold hands.

"You're okay, Sarah, you're safe," whispered Fred in her ear, and George squeezed gently her hand. She was brought back to reality by their warm touch, George sat next to her, letting go of her left hand only.

"What the hell was that?" asked Lee, looking back at the door.

"Dementor," said Sarah in a shaky voice, her lower lip quivering. She wiped away her tears, meeting Selena's worried gaze. She was about to say she was fine when she heard someone yell "Harry!"

Sarah jumped up without giving it a second thought. She needed to reach him, all she could think now was, Harry, the figure, trouble, also that awful green light that she remembered from time to time, but too brightly now.

She got out of her compartment, heard Fred and George calling her but didn't turn. She kept going, stumbling into the hallway, gripping to the carpeted wall and doors of the train, needing to reach Harry. Her head was spinning from that horrible memory the creature had dredged up from the dark bottom of her memories.

She made it to Harry's compartment, saw Remus, looking pale and sick, probably much like her right now, although not for the same reason. They exchanged a look, "Sarah, darling," he said, looking at her stained face, getting up to take her into his arms. Sarah started anxiously turning her mother's ring that now fit, the metal sliding against her skin, feeling the little ruby stones was a soothing process, ever since that night.

She sighed, and he understood what had happened. Harry's eyes fluttered open and Remus let go of Sarah to reach into his bag for a chocolate.

Sarah felt someone walk behind her, and recognized the familiar disposition, she turned and glanced at Fred, grateful he was there. He stood behind her, showing just by his presence that he's got her, helping her breathe a little easier, still turning the ring.

"Are you alright?" she asked Harry.

"Yeah," his voice sounding still a little confused, "Wait. What happened? Who screamed?"

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