6. Meeting Suga

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So, there I was, walking down a long hallway, following that guy, about to meet Yoongi. Somebody, please pinch me to wake me up from this dream! We finally reached a door, the staff guy opened it asking me to wait a moment right there. I heard him speak in Korean, and then I heard Yoongi's voice. FUCK! THIS IS TOTALLY HAPPENING TO ME! I'M MEETING MY BIAS IN PERSON!

The staff guy opened the door to let me in, not before telling me a long list of "do's and don'ts" during my meeting with Yoongi, also letting me know that he was going to be there taking care that the meeting went well. Uhmm... ok... what could go wrong? What the heck was going on? Then he handed me a slip to sign a non disclosure agreement and asked for my phone.

The door opened, and there he was, still sweaty from the concert, drinking a beer and grabbing a bowl of noodles. He turned around to look at me as I walked in and just asked

—"You know BTS?"


(We both laughed)

—"English? Language? Translator?"

—"English, Spanish, or Korean is fine, I understand Korean perfectly and can speak it, slowly at least." — I responded... in Korean. Yoongi laughed at my response and started talking in Korean.

—"Great! I'm lousy at English and sure the fuck can't speak Spanish yet!" — He laughed once more, and made me laugh, too. — "So, your life was a mess, huh?"


—"Your sign... bringing your life together...?"

—"Oh! That! YEAH! I've been through many hardships, but your music helped me get through. I am truly grateful for that."

—"Can I ask what kind of hardships? How old are you by the way?"

—"I'm 30, my birthday was March 10. And, well, I lost loved ones recently, it's been quite hard."

—"Hey! My birthday is March 9! We were almost birthday buddies! I'm 30 too! And I'm sorry to hear you lost loved ones, that sucks! Do you care talking about them?"

I know Yoongi has a peculiar personality that doesn't follow many social conventions, but him asking me so casually about my loved ones kinda took me off guard.

—"I lost my mom to a medical mal praxis after surgery; and I'm a widower, my husband was caught in a crossfire between police forces and a Mexican cartel; I still had a chance to say goodbye though." — A single tear rolled down my cheek, I couldn't help it. Then I quickly continued, trying to avoid him noticing my tears. — "And because of that incident, I went into early labor and lost my baby girl."

Yoongi's eyes and mouth were wide open, he went silent.

—"But as I said, I found comfort in your music, in BTS music as well, I am a great fan of all of you."

—"Sometimes I find it kinda hard to believe that our music can change people's lives, but then I read or hear stories like yours, and that makes me feel complete."

We kept on talking about his music, then he asked me about what I do for a living, and I told him about my doctorate investigation. He was surprised about my subject and wanted to know more about my findings and conclusions. Unfortunately, it was getting kinda late, he was tired, I was tired, and I knew it was time to say goodbye.

I DIDN'T WANT THIS MOMENT TO END! I couldn't stop looking at ALL of him! God! His hair, his eyes, his hands, his lips... his LIPS! I really wanted to kiss those lips! He stood up before I did, so his virility was right in front of me... oh dear! Why did you stand up so close to me?! I couldn't help it and I let go a small sigh when I saw the bulge under his pants that close. Of course, he noticed it and showed me that perfect gummy smile along with an "Aish!" (At this moment, with that expression I was about to faint!)

—"Aish! Don't look at me THERE!" — He laughed once more.

I couldn't help blushing and covering my eyes, when out of nowhere he grabbed my hands, helped me stand up, and looked at me straight in the eyes.

—"So, here's the thing. I want to meet you again. How long will you be here in New York? I really want to chat with you more."

—"We'll be here for 5 more days." — Yoongi wanted to chat with me more! OH MY GOD!

—"Perfect! I'll see you tomorrow then, same time, same place! I will ask my manager to pick you and your friend up so you can come to the concert, is that okay? But this time you'll be seated in the VIP section."

—"Uhmm... sure...ok!" — I was still in disbelief at everything, and now he was telling me I was coming back to the next day's concert! Aby was going to lose her mind!

—"Great! So it's a date then! See you tomorrow! Thank you for your time spent here with me. Sweet dreams! By the way, my staff will drive you back to your place." — He bowed as he said goodbye and showed me the way out.

—"But we drove here, I have a rental, so don't worry about it."

—"Are you crazy? How am I going to let you drive back alone? It's too late for that. Don't be stubborn and let my drivers take you and your rental. You might as well turn it in tomorrow, you won't be needing it anyway. Oh! And don't forget to bring your sign again." — he threw me a wink as he said this. — "Hey! I didn't catch your name!"

—"Because you never asked it, see you tomorrow."

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