14. Time to Tell Yoongi

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I still wasn't sure what to do, but I had to meet Yoongi soon. Aby told me that she would wait for me at our hotel; if I still decided to leave with Yoongi, well... she would go back home as we had scheduled, pick up my puppy, and home-sit at my place until I came back. I decided I would take my things with me to meet Yoongi, it would be easier for me to go back to my hotel with them if I didn't go with him, than having to go back and pick them up if I decided to go.

There I was, waiting for him in his suite. It was a little over 6:00 PM by the time he arrived, and when he stepped in... my God! did he look breathtaking! His gummy smile, his dark black hair moving freely, his black jeans...

— "Jagi, you're here!" and with your suitcase! Somehow, I had this weird feeling all day, but seeing you here made it go away. Do you feel like having something to eat, to drink? I don't know you, but I would really like to have some whisky."

I looked at him as calmly as I could, but apparently, it didn't work, because once Yoongi caught my eyes I could tell he knew that the moment I started talking wasn't going to be good.

— "Yoongi-ssi... we need to talk about this plan of yours. It's not that simple for me, and please let me speak freely before you try to say anything, ok?"

He nodded, quite confused, but still gave me a chance to speak.

— "Ok, you need to know that I really want to go with you, but I've been thinking all day about this, I even talked to my dad. I don't think it would be good for me to go with you."

— "Nabi, why? We are having such a good time! Our long conversations, and what came after those conversations... Nabi! Please!"

— "Yoongi, I'm going to be honest with you. These days have been amazing for me, but today I realized that because of my research and all I know about you, I am falling for you. My brain skipped all the experiences couples live while dating: getting to know each other, learning about likes and dislikes, listening to childhood memories... I already know all that about you; and after we had some perfect sex, I actually felt I was making love to you, and I can't fall for you Yoongi, because this can't really happen... and, when this is over... I know my heart will break into a million pieces, I don't know if I can survive another loss."

— "But why can't it happen? because I don't know anything about you? Really? Bella, do you really think I need to know all that so I can fall for you?? I love your personality; I don't need to love your past or your favorite color. Ah yi-sshi... Bella! Why do you want to make all this so complicated?"

He turned around quite frustrated and started scratching the back of his neck as he paced around the room. I was speechless, I didn't like to see him like this, and didn't want to be the cause of it! I lowered my head, hid my face in my hands, and wanted to cry. Yoongi turned back around to me and held me so tight I couldn't breathe. He then took my hands away from my face... and kissed me.

— "Bella, Nae Nabi, I need you with me, you are making all my tour so much easier for me to carry out. Ever since I joined the company I've never done anything on my own, we were always all seven of us. But now with the MS, with Jin and Hoseok away, it hasn't been easy on the rest of us. I mean, this tour has been liberating for me, but I was still feeling incomplete somehow until I met you. Nabi, I really need you with me during this concert, please Nabi... please don't let me break apart, I won't let you break, I promise! Bella... listen to me, I already fell deep for you, too, can't you see that?"

I was speechless, Yoongi just said has fallen for me, how did this happen so fast?

— "Jagi, just come with me tomorrow, let's go one day at a time, but please come with me tomorrow."

— "Ok, I will go with you."

I couldn't believe I just said that.

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