9. Girls' Night Out

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Aby didn't stop talking about the band, the staff, and the blast of a time she had, she was driving me nuts with her blabbering. Well, at least this time she didn't ask me anything about my evening. She just asked one thing

—"Well? Did he notice your outfit? Oh my God! Did he see your tattoos? Did you ask him about HIS?"

—"Yes, yes, and NO. I didn't ask him about his tattoo."

—"Damn Bella! Our last chance to find out about his tattoo and you blew it!"

—"Actually, it's not our last chance... because we're going to Newark."

—"Wait... WHAT?? YOU'LL MEET WITH HIM AGAIN?? What the fuck!! Girl, you got him wrapped around your finger!"

—"Don't be silly Aby! Of course not!"

—"Well, if you say so..."

Back at our hotel room all I could think about was the way he touched me, how he hugged me so softly yet so tight, and the kiss on my forehead... priceless!! I will not tell you about my Suga-dreams of that night, I will just let you imagine whatever you want if you're in the mood for some Suga-daydreaming of your own.

On our day off, Aby and I went sightseeing, went shopping for our 3rd concert outfit, and decided to hit a club later that evening. We went back to the hotel to get ready for our night out.

Let me say that Aby is a stunning woman; she's medium height, dark brunette, plump lips, and beautiful dark eyes, and that night she looked stunning. She says that I always steal her thunder when we go out, but that's not true, she is the one that attracts all looks.

Anyway, we got to the club, and we had a great time! we danced and sang till we could no more. When we got back to the hotel all we could talk about was of our adventures together, and I thanked her once again for being in my life. We went to bed and had a great night's sleep, it was the first night in so long that I didn't dream at all, and that gave me a great rest.

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