60. Something Missing In My Life

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Yoongi and I slept together since Jakarta, it seemed to be the only way he could get a good night's sleep, thankfully it started to show on his physical and mental health, I even thought he was starting to gain some weight, and... Damn, did he look hot!!!

I'm going to share a little secret with you, I know for sure many of you already noticed it... Yoongi started to let his body hair grow: arms, legs, armpits... and beyond; and that, my dear reader, made me go wild at another freaking level! So, to show you what I mean, here are some pics I found around IG and Twitter. ARMYs never cease to amaze me noticing every fucking detail, good job ARMY!

Back to my story, I somehow started feeling like a real couple with Yoongi; the sex encounters slowly turned into just cuddling in bed, when getting ready in the mornings we would hand over the toothpaste without the other asking, leave towels rea...

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Back to my story, I somehow started feeling like a real couple with Yoongi; the sex encounters slowly turned into just cuddling in bed, when getting ready in the mornings we would hand over the toothpaste without the other asking, leave towels ready for the last one to take a shower... prepared each other's coffee with not needing to ask if we wanted coffee.

My life started to feel normal again until I started missing home. I missed my Lana so much!! And Aby told me in our last FaceTime that my pup was starting to get sad. Aby also told me that whenever she heard my voice through the speaker she would get very happy, and when the call would end she would go straight to my bed and whimper. So, if I was going to stay here for I don't know how long, I definitely had to get her here with me no matter what, she would be my closest link to feeling at home somehow. I knew it was a pretty lame excuse, but even though I did feel ok with my life, I knew my brain, and I knew how it liked to overpower my heart.

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