59. Japan

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Japan concerts were special to Suga, he said that Japanese ARMYs were much like Korean ARMYs, he said he was afraid he wouldn't lift them up enough for the screams and jumps, but every concert was a hit as expected. And when the last one was broadcasted live Suga performed at his best and left everybody with the best experience ever.

The staff was also starting to get worn out, so my days were busier than usual, but I was very glad I could help. We still had a daily mindfulness session, and many members would tell me that helped a lot. However, I started to get some late-night calls from some staff members on the brink of burnout. If only you could see how much they work for us ARMYs to live our best experience in life assisting a concert, I tried every day to let them know how grateful we are of them.

Yoongi was also coming down with a cold, his throat was tired, but he always showed his best in each show. And there I was, trying my best for the team, taking the late-night emergency calls, keeping Yoongi company after the shows, making sure he would take his throat meds, and standing in the shadows whenever he went on a Live or on interviews.

But... who was taking care of me? God! I missed being back home!

'I'm so proud of you, you are strong, you are beautiful, you are smart, YOU ARE BRAVE... and you are my bud. Don't you ever forget whose daughter you are, ok?'

My dad's words from many weeks ago kept playing in my head.

Oh, Daddy! Am I?

Unexpected LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ