69. Time To Go Back

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There were only a few days left of the tour, which meant that finally, I was going home! I was going to have very busy days before the final concerts, I had to settle in my new apartment, I had to take an exam to certify myself as a therapist in Korea, and had to validate my TKT diploma in the university in order to give English classes to the boys, and also had to apply for a Korean working visa. Iseul was of great help for all of this, and couldn't be more grateful for having her by my side.

Yoongi was extremely happy about going back to Korea, and on our flight back to Seoul we had a great conversation.

— "Bella, I'm glad you're going to Mexico, I understand how important this trip is for you, and I know that this is a step you need to take so we can be together. Just promise me you'll be back on the last week of July, it is really important for me that you'll be back before August begins."

— "I'll be back on the 29th, don't worry, Iseul already made all the arrangements. But why is it so important that I return before August? Is there something going on?"

__ "I promise you'll know you before you leave. Right now let's enjoy the most we can of the days before the concerts, and before you leave. How about going straight to your place so you can finally see it, then to my place? We can order a nice meal, and chill for the rest of the day. "

— "Sounds good to me. I need to charge my mental battery before everything that needs to be done before I go."

— "Do you want me to text the boys? Let's see who's here and when we could meet."

— "Do you know what I would like to do? I missed all the Festa events, can we watch any of it instead?" — I turned to him with puppy eyes and he just laughed.

— "Anything you want, I'll ask HQ to grant me access to the media files."


We went directly to my new home and it was gorgeous! A beautiful flat with an open concept, a state-of-the-art kitchen, a cool leather living room, and the master bedroom... God, the master bedroom! I felt like I was in a movie. I didn't want to leave, but the plan was to go to Yoongi's, so we went.

OMG! His place is another level of decoration, he has such an eclectic taste for decoration, even though he constantly said it was his father's doing, it does have his personality all over it.

We got comfy, ordered takeout, served ourselves some drinks, and sat in front of this HUGE Samsung entertaining set. He indulged me by playing ALL the Festa content HQ sent him. He knew he couldn't let my ARMY heart down. Ahh Yoongi! Borahae!!

We fell asleep on the couch, but in the middle of the night, he took me to his room. We cuddled up again and fell sound asleep. I dreamt of fireworks and gummy smiles.

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