Chapter 91: My Death

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My head felt like it was about to explode. I was seeing dark spots and I could feel my body going limb. I was dying and I was ready to face it. My eyes went darting across the room. I didn't know why but somehow, I just had to. Standing above me was her.Josephine. She was looking at me like she pitied me. She wanted to protect me but she couldn't do anything. I couldn't do anything.

I struggled for the last time and deeply exhaled.

" Get away from her you piece of shit!"

I heard a loud clang. His head came crashing right next to mine and his body was jerking. I watched as his blood covered his face and his shirt. I didn't have time to gasp for air but I quickly pushed his body away from mine. My chest was covered in blood and it took me a time to realize that Kim had hit him head on using a metal pipe. She was standing there, her knees shaking. I couldn't mutter a word as I stared at her. The woman who had just saved me.

Instead of rushing towards her and telling her how grateful I was that she saved me from death's grip, I mustered the strength to ask her.

" D-Did we do it?" I stuttered.

She looked at me, wide-eyed and looked at the lifeless body again, panting.

" I... I think so." she heaved.

I laid all my weight onto the palm of my hands and stood up quietly, afraid of one sudden movement and he might rise from the dead. I traipsed towards Kim and placed my hands on her cheeks.

" Look at me. Come on, look at me." I whispered as I tried to divert her gaze from the corpse. She looked at me and I knew that this wasn't the Kim I knew. I knew that this had made a very great impact on her inner being. Her being human. She had killed someone and I knew that it was going to change her and our lives forever.

" Everything's over now. Everything's going to be alright." I said calmly as I tried to reach for the metal pipe on her right hand. She gripped it so hard that I had a hard time taking it away from her. As I got a hold of it and slowly took it away, Kim started sobbing.

" Oh, you poor thing." I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight. For the first time since this began, I could finally say it's over.

Something caught my attention on the floor. It was shining as if it wanted me to find it and keep it. I gently pushed Kim and bent down to pick it.

" Why... That's his..."

"... His gun." I continued.

It was heavy and its cold texture dug onto my my fingers. This could have been the end of us. Our bodies would have laid in this god forsaken house and nobody was ever going to find us. I was just relieved that Yhan wasn't here with us. She would have experienced the same traumatic turmoil as us and I wouldn't like that one bit.

" Come on. Let's get out of this fucking house." I said with determination. Kim nodded in agreement. I opened the front door and let Kim go out first. This would be the last time I would enter this place and never again, I promised to myself. I took a deep breath and exhaled in relief. As soon as Kim exited, the door came shutting on its own. Its loud bang snapped me from my thoughts and I heard Kim's calls from the other side.

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