Chapter 63: Realization

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" Goodbye?" I asked, wanting to confirm if the planchette was really on the word goodbye.

The planchette stopped abruptly, making our muscles tense as we waited for what was going to happen next.

We waited.

But there was nothing.

We jolted to the sound of Kim's hard coughing and more blood was splattered on the floor. This wasn't normal. 

" Kim! Shit! Are you okay!?" I ran to her, making each of my steps count. I had my handkerchief ready. Kim fell to the floor, more like she was being pinned down by something invisible like what had happened to me days ago. She was dragged onto the ground and across the room. Her screams were muffled by the traces of blood still inside her mouth. My eyes widened as I tried to reach for her. But before I could, I was thrown to the wall by a very strong unseen force. The impact made me wince and dizzy. I heard their screams and glass shattering as I struggled to open my eyes, shaking off the hazy vision from the impact I just had.

When I came to, Yhan was on the floor, unconscious. Her clothes were tattered in just a short span of time. What the fuck happened, I thought to myself. I was still barely recovering from all the dragging I had when I first came here, and now I just got thrown to the wall. 

" Kim?" I called out. But there was no response. I couldn't see Kim anywhere. The room was already messy to even begin with, now plus the broken glass. The shattered glass came from the window. The window was broken, leading to the rocky shore that lay below it.

 I crawled towards Yhan, who was fortunately, still breathing. I placed my hand on her back. " Y-Yhan?" I shook her. My hand was wet with warm familiar liquid. I raised my hand to take a closer look. Blood. My eyes raced towards Yhan's back and there was a shard of glass still intact just below her right axilla. 

" Fuck." My eyes scanned the room but found nothing to be deemed useful. I had jeans on and a shirt and sweater. I couldn't do anything. I stared at the glass for a moment and gulped, letting adrenaline take control instead. I stripped my sweater off my body and wrapped it onto the end piece of the glass. I took a deep breath before starting. 

" Yhan, I am going to pull this off." I said, panicking. My heart was racing so fast that I had a hard time breathing. She didn't respond. Her breaths were becoming shallow. I let out a deep breath and I pulled the foreign object off her body. I threw it away and quickly put pressure on the said injury. Blood was still oozing out from her side.

" Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit." I put most of my strength onto the pressure I was giving. More like, I was placing all of my weight onto just to stop it. But blood was still oozing. 

" Please Oh Lord God... Please don't let her die." I let out a sob as I continued putting pressure. My sweater was soaked with her blood and it still hadn't stopped at all. Tears were already forming in my eyes as I struggled to search for Kim at the same time. 

Yhan let out a groan. She struggled to look at me, her eyes trying to stay open.  " W-Where's Kim?"

" S-Sssssh." I forced a smile even though it was clear I was crying my eyes out in panic. 

I scanned the room again.

The broken window caught my attention. The hole seemed big enough like someone was thrown onto it. And that's when I realized something. 

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