Chapter 33: Fred

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Sir let go of our hands and motioned us towards the Ouija Board. He mouthed, it's time as he placed his hands on the planchette and slowly nodded his head, signaling us to follow what he was doing. And so we did. With hands that were pressing onto the planchette, we were bound to move it accidentally. I'd be glad if it would happen though.  

Mac stood away from the steps and headed for us. He was feeling uneasy and cold. From the look on his face, it was clear that he didn't want to be alone on those steps. We'd never know, someone or something might push him. It was a good call that Mac left.

" Are you one of the spirits that haunted their home?" Sir asked. I knew the word their referred to Yhan and Alfred's. 

Yhan, Kim and I exchanged glances of panic and fear. Kim was biting her lips this time since she can't use her finger to stop herself from screaming. Yhan's brow's furrowed and I could tell from the distance that she hadn't expected this coming. 

I got startled when the planchette slowly moved. I looked at it and then to Kim and Yhan, hoping that they were the ones moving this, but they had the same expression as me. I, then looked at Sir but I realized he wasn't touching the planchette anymore. The three of us continued to exchange glances, waiting for one to plead guilty on moving it. But none did. 

The planchette slowly moved to the word YES.

We looked at each other, not knowing what to make of it. This was clearly one of them. 

" It's a 'yes'." Yhan muttered, to let her Grandfather know what we see. I gulped. 

Sir slowly nodded in response. " O spirit, are you here with us?" 

It remained on YES. 

"Yes." Yhan whispered.

" Are you alone?"

No movement. YES.


Do you intend these girls harm?" 

The three of us gulped and we were anxious to know the answer. There was an ominous silence in the basement and we started breaking out cold sweat. We felt the planchette moved. I heard Kim gasped.

It slowly dragged itself towards the word NO. 

Our eyes widened. If this was the same spirit that haunted us three days ago, then why all the nightmares and hauntings if it didn't intend us any harm? As far as I could remember, that sure was harm!

" Please Spirit. Make yourself known to us." Sir asked, not knowing the answer that it gave earlier.

The planchette moved to the letters...





Our eyes widened in terror. Fred? 


We Were ThereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang